Half-Life 2 case homage (24 of 40)

Published by marco on

There are two most amazing things about the Half-Life 2 case modification, Blackmesa HL² by piloux, documented here.

  1. This is the first modification that I would consider a work of art. The attention to detail is really amazing. The person who made it must have really had a blast making it. They’re also bound to get a lot of attention at LAN parties.
  2. This news was posted on Slashdot this morning. The page, including images, weighs in at 1.5MB. The server it’s on never faltered. Go to it now and it loads like lightning — it’s got more bandwidth than CNN. Kudos to Whabbit.

There are about 70 images of the case throughout the building process. The keyboard at the end indicates a somewhat abnormal attention span — but even the mouse is all rusty and crusty.