Blocks of text in this application are mainly plain text. That means that newline characters will be faithfully represented when rendered into an output format. There are also several tags supported that allow you to build commonly used constructions, like ordered and unordered lists, pre-formatted blocks, quoted blocks and more.

These tags look like HTML and often share a name with a similar HTML element, but are not actually HTML tags. The content you write is transformed to HTML when displayed in a web page, but can also be transformed to plain-text—e.g. when generating a plain-text email.


Single-line vs. Multi-line

Some fields, like object titles, are explicitly single-line and support only a limited number of nested tags. If block or image tags are included, they are instead inserted as if they were just text. Only the <b>, <i> and <c> tags are supported in single-line mode.

Newline handling

If you are just writing unformatted text, you may treat newlines as you normally would; both the HTML and plain-text formatter will honor the vertical spacing you've chosen. In some cases, HTML forces extra spacing that cannot be avoided—e.g. if you separate a normal text run from a pre-formatted text run with a single newline, HTML will render this with a double newline because the blocks are separated by a margin. In these cases, it makes no difference if you use zero, one or two newlines -- there are always two newlines rendered. The plain-text formatter has been written to emulate this behavior, so that the plain-text representation is as close as possible to the 'main' HTML output format.

Special Characters

Certain characters will be automatically replaced if they appear anywhere in regular text. You can disable this replacement for whole regions by using the <macro> tag.

Input Output
x ×

Additionally, the following character pairs are automatically converted to their ligature equivalents. Most browsers don't especially like these characters[1], so this conversion is off, by default. You can enable this replacement for whole regions using the <macro> tag.

Input Output
[1]As of this writing, in 2014, all tested browser still consistently take the ligature from a fallback font rather than the specialized web fonts used in the page. This is likely because such fonts (e.g. Raleway) don't have explicit ligatures defined. In such cases, though, falling back to using individual letters is much preferred to importing a ligature from a completely different font.

Literal characters

In this version, you may type anything you like; there is no longer a need to specifically escape characters as HTML. The input language is no longer HTML, so escaping characters has been limited to the single case of the < character, discussed next.


Tags are the same format as HTML tags (e.g. <tag attr="value">). The tokenizer recognizes as a tag any grouping of text that starts with <, has a letter or number as the next letter, then ends with >. This is discussed in more detail in Using < as text. If a tag is not recognized, it will be rendered as text. The list of recognized tags follow and are recognized by both the HTML and plain-text formatters. When a tag is recognized, that means that it will not be rendered as text by the formatter, but will either be used directly, transformed to another tag or construct or discarded, depending on the output format.

Unknown tags are rendered as text, by default.

Using < as text

Since the content can be delimited by tags, the < character must be escaped in certain circumstances. These situations have been limited so that you will only very rarely have to use the escaped character. The only time you may need to escape the < character is if the character immediately following it is a letter or number. To escape the <, use <<.

If you want to write:

x < y and 5 < 8

you do not need to escape anything. Simply write it as shown above and the formatter detects that the < characters in the text cannot be parts of tags.

If you want to write:

If the text in the input box is still <default>, then you have to...

you still don't have to escape the bracket, since the formatter simply renders unknown tags as text anyway. In the next example, we see where we must include an escaped < character.

If you want to write:

<pre> to specify a backlink, use <linkname. </pre>

The problem here is that the tokenizer will recognize '<linkname. </pre>' as a tag, which will cause the </pre> end tag to be ignored, with unpredictable results. The text will still be output, but the -matted region will not be properly rendered. To avoid this, use the escaped version of the < character:

<pre> to specify a backlink, use <<linkname. </pre>


Standard attributes

All other attributes, unless otherwise specified below, are discarded.

All tags

The following attributes are recognized for all tags:

Name Comments
idCan be used with the anchor tag
classReferences classes defined in CSS
styleCSS directives
titleGenerally shown as a tooltip when hovered

All blocks

The following attributes apply to all blocks:


The default value is 'none'. This parameter is ignored in the plain-text renderer.

left Float the box to the left, with text wrapped around to the right.
left-column The same as left, but also clears all preceding left-aligned elements. Use this value to stack floated elements to one side or the other.
right Float the box to the right, with text wrapped around to the left.
right-column The same as right, but also clears all preceding right-aligned elements. Use this value to stack floated elements to one side or the other.
center Box is centered in its own block. Text is split, with the flow continuing after the image.
none Box is formatted inline with the text.

The default value is 'none'. This parameter is ignored in the plain-text renderer.

both Clear floating elements on both sides.
left Clear floating elements only on the left side.
right Clear floating elements only on the right side.
none Don't clear any floating elements.
width If you specify a left or right alignment, you will probably want to specify a width as well. This attribute accepts all CSS values.

Block captions

These attributes also apply to all blocks and are used to construct the caption for a block.

author Included in the caption by appending "by AUTHOR"
date Included in the caption by appending "on DATE"
href Wrapped as a link around the caption, if both are given
source Included in the caption by appending "(SOURCE)" wrapped in a link that goes to the root domain of the href value.
caption If specified, it will be included with the block (top or bottom, depending on caption-position).

The default value is 'top'. This parameter is ignored in the plain-text renderer.

top Show the caption above the box.
bottom Show the caption below the box.


<bq href="" source="Earthli News" author="Marco" date="Feb 2014" caption="Some article">This is the content of the quote</bq>
“This is the content of the quote”
Some article by Marco on Feb 2014 (Earthli News)

Generic formatting

You may also use <span> and <div> tags. In the HTML formatter, they are copied in as tags and will have whatever functionality the browser gives them. They are stripped by the plain-text formatter.

Character formatting

There are several character-formatting tags, aligned more or less with the common HTML tags. These are all stripped by the plain-text formatter.

Tag Input Output Description
b <b>strong</b> strong Strongly formatted text
i <i>emphasized</i> emphasized Emphasized text
u <u>underlined</u> underlined Underlined text
s <s>strike-through</s> strike-through Strike-through text
n <n>notes</n> notes Notes/comments
c <c>code</c> code Inline code
hl <hl>highlighted</hl> highlighted Highlighted text
del <del>deleted</del> deleted Deleted text
var <var>variableOne</var> variableOne Variable names
kbd <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>B</kbd> + B Keyboard characters
dfn <dfn>definition</dfn> definition Definitions
abbr <abbr title="Computer-aided Design">CAD</abbr> CAD Abbreviations
cite <cite>citation</cite> citation Citations
sub 10<sub>n</sub> 10n Subscripts
sup 2<sup>16</sup> 216 Superscripts


Headings are written with the <h> tag. Use headings to delineate new sections in longer text flows. The default heading is slightly larger than regular text and bold. Plain-text mode will maintain proper spacing for headings even if you don't specify it.

The following additional attributes are allowed.

level Heading level, analogous to the HTML heading level. The default is 2. Since headings are usually just used to distinguish between sections, you shouldn't often need to control the heading level.



<h level="3">earthli WebCore</h>


earthli WebCore


Unordered, ordered and definition lists are supported. Use a <ul> tag to wrap text in an unordered list, an <ol> tag to create an ordered one and a <dl> tag to create a definition list. A new list item is created for each newline encountered in the list. The first and last newlines in a list are always ignored and are assumed to be for tag formatting. Lists and other tags can be freely mixed and nested. Plain-text formatting will maintain vertical margins even if none are specified in the source text.

Tag attributes, if specified, are retained.


This is the way you would normally write lists, with indenting and newlines handled as expected. The indenting is not necessary here, but is used to make the source text clearer.

Example 1

  • One
    1. 1.25
    2. 1.50
    3. 1.75
  • Two
  • Three

It is possible to fully nest a list within an item, so that the item's text can continue after the list. The first item in the outer list is now formatted that way, so that 'Two' is no longer it's own list item. The only difference here is that there is no new line after 'One' in the text; this indicates that the item should continue after the embedded list.

Example 2

  • One
    1. 1.25
    2. 1.50
    3. 1.75
  • Three

Inserting blank lines will generate blank list items.

Example 3



  • One
    1. 1.25
    2. 1.50
    3. 1.75
  • Two
  • Three
  • More...

Definition lists generate alternating terms and definitions for each newline between the start and end tags. Two attributes are supported: dt_class and dd_class, which define the CSS class for definition terms and definitions, respectively. Use a <div> tag to include more complex formatting in the definition, as shown in the example below, which has multiple paragraphs.

Example 4

<dl dt_class="field" dd_class="notes">
First Term
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus.
Second Term
Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan.

Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id.

Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.</div>
First Term
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus.
Second Term

Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan.

Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id.

Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.


Links are written with the <a> tag. The following attributes are allowed.

title The title of the link. Can be a longer description of the resource to which the link goes.
class This will assign the specified CSS class to the link itself.
href The url to which the link goes.

This is used only in the plain-text renderer. The default value is 'all'.

url Show only the url.
all Show the url and title.
none Skip this link.


<a href="​software/webcore/" title="Try out the earthli WebCore!">earthli WebCore</a> earthli WebCore


Images are inserted with the <img> tag. The following list of tags are supported.

The image must already exist as a URL. Inserting an image link does not magically upload a file for you.

src The url for the image itself. Use path/resource syntax or an absolute URL.
href If this is non-empty, a link is automatically wrapped around the image with this url. Use path/resource syntax or an absolute URL.
attachment If this is non-empty, both "src" and "href" are ignored. Instead, both properties are automatically generated from the attachment file name given. It's up to the user to make sure the attachment is exists and is accessible.
scale A percentage value, generally between 10% and 100%
alt Alternate description of the image. Should be concise. Put longer description in 'title', if needed. If this is not given, then the value for 'title' is used.

This is used only in the plain-text renderer. The default value is 'all'. If 'alt' is not specified, 'title' is used for the text. If a url is included, 'href' is always used before 'src'.

basic Show only the 'alt' or 'title'.
url Show a url and 'alt', but no title.
all Show a url, 'alt' and the title (if different than 'alt' and 'alt' is non-empty).
none Skip this image.


<img src="{icons}/file_types/file_50px" align="right" alt="WebCore File Icon" format="basic"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.

<img href="​albums/oz/images/im000185.jpg" src="​users/oz/images/IM000185_tn.jpg" align="center" title="Ozzie in the garden">

Webcore File Icon Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.

Ozzie in the garden


Videos can be embedded just as easily as images with the <media> tag. All of the properties documented for image handling work exactly the same for videos. You can reference local videos using the "attachment" property or remote videos using a full url in the "src" property. The "href" property for videos refers to the page from which the video is being retrieved and is used to format the caption, as described in standard attributes for all blocks.

src The url for the video itself. Use path/resource syntax or an absolute URL. It won't always be easy to find out the source URL for videos you want to embed, depending on the site. For YouTube, though, it's as easy as taking the URL for the video's page and replacing "watch?v=" with "v/".
height Sets the height of the video using CSS units.
args Arguments that are passed to the plugin. Needed by some non-standard video pages (e.g. Comedy Central).


<media author="mvonballmo" src="​v/7ryCiS3RxQY" caption="A rainy day in Züri Oberland" href="​watch?v=7ryCiS3RxQY" source="YouTube" width="280px" height="165px"> A rainy day in Züri Oberland by mvonballmo (YouTube)


As you'll see below, you can add images and links to your text really easily. You don't have to use absolute urls though. You can base your url on a path defined in the WebCore application by specifying a base 'location' at the start of your url, like this:


If you leave off the extension when referring to an icon file, the default application icon extension is applied, so you get:

If, at some point, you move your icons, your reference to the icons folder won't be broken. This works for other stuff as well, like attachments. You can refer to an attachment file like this:


The path to the attachments folder for the current object will be prepended for you. If the attachment is an image, you can use that path as the 'src' attribute of an image and it will show up in the page. Or you can use {att_thumb} to show only the thumbnail for it.

Supported locations (you can also add your own) are:

Alias Description
application Root url for the current application
icons Location of the application icons folder
styles Location of the application styles folder
scripts Location of the application scripts folder
att_link Location of attachments for the current object
att_thumb Converts the given attachment file to thumbnail name
pic_image Location of images for the current album. Accepts a picture ID or file name. Only available in earthli Albums
pic_thumb Same as "pic_image", but converts to the thumbnail name. Only available in earthli Albums


Pre-formatted text

Whitespace is interpreted differently by different output formats, so the <pre> tag can be used to force the formatter to use the exact whitespace you have specified.


    <pre>Some text
    to be
    Some text
    to be

Source code

Use the <code> tag to highlight source code. This tag acts much like the pre tag but applies other styles. For inline code examples, use the <c> tag. Text is still generally formatted the same as with the code tag, except that it doesn't force block formatting.

Example 1

function _process($input, $tokenizer)
  while ($tokenizer->available())
    $token = $tokenizer->current();
function _process($input, $tokenizer)
      while ($tokenizer->available())
        $token = $tokenizer->current();

Example 2

This example highlights the <c>RunProcess()</c> method. This example highlights the RunProcess() method.


Often, you pull information from other sites. You can indicate this with the <iq> (inline quote) and <bq> (block quote) tags. The inline quote just applies formatting and coloring. The block quote will put the text in a separate block and indent it slightly, while also providing theme-specific coloring and formatting.

The following attributes apply to <bq> tags.


The default value is 'default'. This parameter applies to both the HTML and the plain-text renderer.

multiple Add a quote mark at the very beginning of each each contained block/paragraph and quote mark at the very of the quoted content (this is the literary quoting style).
none Do not add any quote marks. Use this when surrounding quotes for lists or code examples otherwise complex, quoted content just looks confusing.
single Add a quote mark at the very beginning and very end of the quoted content.
default A synonym for multiple.

Example 1

As Mark Twain once said, <iq>A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.</iq>. As Mark Twain once said, "A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."

Example 2

As Mark Twain once said, <bq>A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.</bq>

As Mark Twain once said,

"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."

Example 3

As Mark Twain once said, <bq quote-style="multiple">A banker is a fellow who

lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining,

but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.</bq>

As Mark Twain once said,

"A banker is a fellow who

"lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining,

"but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."


The <n> tag uses a smaller font and is generally in italics to indicate that the text is supplemental or tangential. In the HTML formatter, this translates to the 'notes' CSS style. It is ignored in the plain-text formatter.


<n>N.B. The following text is of draft quality.</n>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus.

N.B. The following text is of draft quality.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus.


Use the <abstract> tag at the beginning of longer articles to provide a synopsis or a tl;dr. In the HTML formatter, this translates to the 'abstract' CSS style. It is ignored in the plain-text formatter.

The <quote-style> attribute (see quoting above) applies this tag as well, but the default value is none.


<abstract>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.</abstract>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.

Pull quotes

Use the <pullquote> tag throughout longer articles to highlight . In the HTML formatter, this translates to the 'abstract' CSS style. It is ignored in the plain-text formatter.

The <quote-style> attribute (see quoting above) applies to this tag as well, but the default value is none.


<pullquote width="150px" align="right">Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan</pullquote> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.

Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.


When formatting code or larger quoted samples, it's nice to be able box the content out. Use the <box> tag for this, with the following (optional) attributes:

title Float the image to the left, with text wrapped around to the right.

The default value is 'none'. This parameter is ignored in the plain-text renderer.

left Float the box to the left, with text wrapped around to the right.
right Float the box to the right, with text wrapped around to the left.
center Box is centered in its own block. Text is split, with the flow continuing after the image.
none Box is formatted inline with the text.
width If you specify a left or right alignment, you will probably want to specify a width as well. This attribute accepts all CSS values.
class This will assign the specified CSS class to the innermost generated container (affecting the box's content).

Example 1

<box title="Listing One"><code>
function _process($input, $tokenizer)
  while ($tokenizer->available())
    $token = $tokenizer->current();
Listing One
function _process($input, $tokenizer)
      while ($tokenizer->available())
        $token = $tokenizer->current();


Use the <info>, <warning> or <error> tag to show a message box with some content.


<info>This is an info message.</info>

<warning>This is a warning message.</warning>

<error>This is an error message.</error>

This is an info message.

This is a warning message.

This is an error message.


Longer texts can include footnotes and end-notes by placing markers with the <fn> tag. These are replaced with integer markers (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.). Use the <ft> tag to create a block that forms the body of the footnote. These are also numbered incrementally. Footnotes can be placed anywhere in the text, but are commonly included at the end, separated by a horizontal rule, as shown in the example below.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus<fn>, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.


<ft>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan.</ft>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus [1], et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.

[1]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan.

Clearing floats

Use a <clear> tag to clear any floating element in the preceding text. You can also use the attribute clear="both" on any block to do the same thing, but this tag lets you avoid surrounding a paragraph with <div> tags, as shown in the example below.


<box align="right" width="100px">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in...</box>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

<clear>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in...


Use an <anchor> tag to provide an invisible anchor in the text to which you can link with an <a> tag. You can also use the attribute id on any other tag to do the same thing, but this tag lets you avoid adding unnecessary begin/end tags, as shown in the example below.


<a href="#anchor1">Jump to the anchor</a>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.<anchor id="anchor1">

Jump to the anchor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in, consectetur metus. Mauris dictum adipiscing metus sed accumsan. Aenean facilisis justo lacus, et fringilla arcu luctus id. Nulla at tortor at erat sagittis pellentesque.


Use an <hr> tag to introduce a break in the text.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac leo accumsan, semper magna in...


Controlling the formatter

As discussed in special characters, you can control which types of character replacement occur within a block of text. The <macro> tag applies options, which apply for the rest of the text or until they are changed by a subsequent macro.

The following properties are supported:


Pass in a comma-delimited list of converters, which should be active. Use a plus (+) sign to enable a converter and a minus (-) sign to disable it. If no sign is present, it is assumed to be enabling the converter. The converters in the list are applied in order and can overwrite one another. Choose from the following converters:

punctuation If enabled, punctuation marks are replaced with their fancier HTML equivalents. enabled by default
ligature If enabled, ligatures are replaced with their fancier HTML equivalents. disabled by default
tags If enabled, special html characters are converted to avoid being interpreted as HTML. The keyword "all" does not apply to this converter; you must explicitly toggle it if you want to change the setting. enabled by default
highlight If enabled, keywords from a search are highlighted within the text. enabled by default
all Applies to all converters except for "tags"

The following examples enable ligatures:

Example 1

<macro convert="ligature"> or <macro convert="+ligature">

The following examples turn off everything but highlighting:

Example 2

<macro convert="-ligature,-punctuation">


<macro convert="-all;+highlight">

The following example makes sure that all converters are turned on:

Example 3

<macro convert="+all">