Campaign Videos You’re Not Seeing (497 of 714)

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Updated by marco on

Here’s another edition of “fun videos to watch that make fun of George Bush and you will laugh because he’s a fool and you will cry because, somehow, he will be President for the next four years”. This time there are even a couple not from the Daily Show.

Please note. All videos are in Windows Media Player format. The Daily Show ones need version 9 to play.

”Unprotected” (GeorgeWBush.Org)
See the two candidates’ respective military careers from a different angle. An angle that may not have occurred to you, but that, if actually aired, would form a shining beacon of logic to at least 45% of America and would certainly be a talking point for a few days over at Fox News.
”Questions” (GeorgeWBush.Org)

Another great ad that neatly contrasts the two candidates. Some of the language is a little more overtly provocative. That means that at least some Bush voters might notice that this ad is not real. Some might even see the irony, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

This one introduces the completely awesome tag line “George Bush … Less Questions. More Action.”

George W. Bush’s Words (The Daily Show)

Here’s a longer one, more of a stirring tribute to Bush’s record over the last few years, lovingly voiced by the incomparable Stephen Colbert. Only Stephen can properly deadpan lines like “For four years, George Bush has used the power of words to overcome insurmountable facts”, making you almost believe it’s possible (minor point: it is possible. His supporters would justify every joke in this piece as real). Again, a marvelous series of final taglines are born:

“George Bush. Words Speak Louder than Actions. Don’t Listen to the Filter or the Facts. Listen to the Words. George W. Bush. Because He Says So.”
Bush’s RNC Speech (The Daily Show)

Here we see Bush in his glory, speaking for over an hour with his magical “words” (see above). Again, his points are mesmerizing to the hordes of Republican converted, but if you actually listen to and parse what he’s saying, it comes out meaning not quite what he (or Karl Rove, or any of his other handlers) intended. As Jon Stewart pointed out:

“In a bizarre twist, George Bush’s acceptance speech, with barely a mention of his record for the last four years, laid out a vision of what he would do … if he were President.”

Jon comes up with possibly the best campaign tagline yet: “Vote for George Bush. So he can finish the work he never began.”