Linux Audio (in 39 Easy Steps) (148 of 266)

Published by marco on

Audio in Linux is awesome (darkness) document’s one man’s journey to being able to edit an MP3 file under Linux. Included are the following gems:

  • Look at the Ardour interface. Decide that (1) it’s not what I want, and (2) dear god that is ugly. Is that Tk? Motif? Holy hell. Run away.
  • Read “The simplest, and least-secure way to provide real-time privileges is running jackd as root. This has the disadvantage of also requiring all of JACK clients to run as root.” Yeah, no.

One commenter suggested that the author would have had things much easier had he just installed a multimedia-capable Linux distribution in the first place or was willing to install the multimedia packages of a Debian-based distribution (which apparently is more involved than the typical apt-get install… command).

Yeah! No.

To that, the astute Steve commented:

“While I’ve been using Linux since the beginning, these people advising multimedia Linux are not on this planet. You’re advising that someone should wipe their whole machine and install a complete new operating system just to tidy up some sound files. Please, recognise when your love of Linux is making you say stupid things, and stop doing it.”
Comment by Steve

Well played, sir. Good advice for many situations; simply replace [Linux] with [Mac], [Java] or some other arduously-defended technology.