C# Handbook 7.0 (102 of 275)

Published by marco on

Updated by marco on

 I announced almost exactly one year ago that I was rewriting the Encodo C# Handbook. The original was published almost exactly nine years ago. There were a few more releases as well as a few unpublished chapters.

I finally finished a version that I think I can once again recommend to my employees at Encodo. The major changes are:

  • The entire book is now a Git Repository (GitHub). All content is now in Markdown. Pull requests are welcome.
  • I’ve rewritten pretty much everything. I removed a lot of redundancies, standardized formulations and used a much more economical writing style than in previous versions.
  • Recommendations now include all versions of C# up to 7
  • There is a clearer distinction between general and C#-specific recommendations
  • There are now four main sections: Naming, Formatting, Usage and Best Practices, which is broken into Design, Safe Programming, Error-handling, Documentation and a handful of other, smaller topics.

Here’s the introduction:

“The focus of this document is on providing a reference for writing C#. It includes naming, structural and formatting conventions as well as best practices for writing clean, safe and maintainable code. Many of the best practices and conventions apply equally well to other languages.”

Check out the whole thing (GitHub)! Or download the PDF that I included in the repository.