Managing maps on a Garmin device (3 of 69)

Published by marco on

I was in the U.S. over the summer and had purchased the U.S. map from Garmin. There wasn’t enough room to store the U.S. map on the device. This article assumes that you’ve tried to sync your maps to your device with Garmin Express, but it failed to copy because you don’t have enough space.

If you have enough space on your device, then why how did you even end up here?


  • Use Garmin BaseCamp to view loaded maps.
  • Back up, then remove some map files (see below for more details).
  • Reload in BaseCamp to see which ones are now gone.
  • Restore them if they were the wrong ones.
  • Repeat until you have enough space for the maps you actually need right now..
  • Add the maps you purchased.

Buying and … installing. ⛔️

You can buy maps directly from Garmin, but Garmin will not help you in any way to load them onto your device unless your device has enough room for the new maps. If it does not, then you’re out of luck, as far as Garmin is concerned.

I imagine that their solution would be to either (A) buy a larger device with more storage or (B) just buy a second device for the other country.

Problem solved. Thanks Garmin.

If you’re not willing to upgrade your device and you’d rather just use the damned maps that you’ve purchased, then read on.

Managing maps for different regions

In my particular case, the European maps use about 10GB. My Garmin Edge 530 has 15GB of space. The North America maps are also about 8GB, so I can’t have all of the maps on my device at once.

I would like to “manage” my maps, preferring to keep the U.S. map for the time I’m in the States, then going back to the European maps. I would like some idea of how I could know what I’m losing if I were to remove the European West and East maps (which I don’t think I need, but I’m not 100% sure). There is no mechanism for identifying which files correspond to which maps. There is no mechanism for archiving maps.

Maps. How do they work?

I’ve managed to learn that,

  • All of the maps are located in the /Garmin folder of your device.
  • Each map has three files: gma, unl, img.
  • The img file is the largest one—usually several gigabytes.
  • There is no good way of discovering which of the several copies of maps for a region contains which levell of detail for which regions.

Available apps

Garmin Connect

Garmin Connect won’t help you, neither the app nor the web site.

Garmin Express

Garmin Express won’t help you either.

Garmin MapManager

You can—sometimes—use Garmin Map Manager to see which maps are on your device. If the app even shows your device—which it didn’t for me, when I just checked again—the Reveal in Finder button doesn’t actually show the map in the Finder. Instead, it just shows a parent folder that leaves you with no idea which of the map files corresponds to the map you selected in the dialog.

You’re left with just guessing which files correspond to the maps you want to remove—and hoping for the best. However, you might be able to stumble toward figuring out which maps you’ve removed when you reload the Map Manager after having moved some files.

This procedure is similar to Garmin BaseCamp, which at least seems to more reliably show the device.

Garmin BaseCamp

 Garmin BaseCampDid you know that there’s an app called Garmin BaseCamp? It shows you the data that you have stored on your device: maps, activities, etc. It does not let you do anything useful with these, though. It doesn’t let you really see which region is covered by a map. It also doesn’t help you figure out which degree of detail is covered by which map.

For example, there are three maps for Europe: Central, West, and East. They look like they have a ton of overlap. I think I only need the Central one (I mostly ride in Switzerland). I can’t see which map does what, though. It looks like all three maps have the main roads for everywhere, but only have fine detail for certain parts? Maybe? It’s really, really hard to tell.

Still, it will help you at least see which maps you have installed on your device. It will not help you actually see which cryptically named files correspond to which regions, though.

So, you remove some map files, reload BaseCamp, see what’s missing, adjust until you’ve got enough space for the maps you need right now.

This is tedious, but workable. 🙌

OK. 👌 Is that all clear? Does that sound like fun 🤩 ? Because it totally is 💯.

It’s utterly incredible that this is where Garmin is at with their support for their navigation and sports devices after a couple of decades of dominating the market. Capitalist optimization FTW. 🙌