Missile Defense Redux2 (545 of 714)

Published by marco on

Death Star Doesn’t Work… on Plastic covers the recent announcement by the Bush administration that it is seeking USD$1.5 Billion to fund the Missile Defense Shield deployment. From the article, on the Washington Post (which now seems to have dissappeared — deliberate or ???):

“Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld described the initial plan as “better than nothing,” saying, “The reason I think it’s important to start is because you have to put something in place and get knowledge about it and experience with it.””

…comes this comment from Jack Canuck ( Interesting philosophy in this quote) on Plastic:

“Funny, because that’s exactly the argument that the US government dismisses when it’s used to argue for ratifying the Kyoto Accord. I wonder why it applies to this and not to that? Well, never mind. I wouldn’t want to expect a consistent and logical worldview from the Bush government.”

‘nuff said.