Robert Edward Grant: King of Gobbledygook

Published by marco on

A good friend of mine sent the following video to me, telling me “just lean back, relax, and let it flow over you.” Excellent advice, my friend.

Robert Edward Grant: NEW EVIDENCE! Mysterious Inscriptions & Encodings INSIDE the Pyramids! by Next Level Soul Podcast (YouTube)

The following are some notes and comments I sent to him as I was watching it.

(A) Um, OK. Some interesting stuff, but WHOA. (B) You’re right; just let it flow over you. (C) Terrified that this is how I sound to other people.

“The Great Pyramid is 11/7, which is the base to the height. So 117 and 11.7 squared is 137 and that’s the number of times the sarcophagus will fit in the King’s chamber.”


That was a really good one. He had me going for a bit, but that numerology just went way off the deep end. Good times! Loving it.


And then you have the guys in another video (that my friend had sent to me), who are intelligent, but believe the most fantastical things. Or have a weird idea of how physics works. “100 years ago, put light through celluloid, you got an image. And sound.

Wait. What? I was with him up to the “And sound” part. The sound is not encoded into celluloid AFAIK.

It’s a great thing to discuss, though! How to preserve culture/knowledge/information in a format that the future can read?

This Grant guy, though! Goddamn I can’t imagine how many people who are stoned out of their minds think that he is a GOD.

“If you’re a mountain climber, then you’re not going to want to climb the hill behind your house. You’re going to climb Everest, or Kilimanjaro, something significant.”

No. This is exactly wrong. This is how we *think* we should act, but it’s destructive and counter-productive and psychological poison. Stop thinking that the hill behind your house isn’t good enough. No-one cares. No-one is paying attention to you. Just be happy. Walk in the woods. Climb a big hill. It’s enough. You’ll be tired. Forget Everest.

Grant: […] every action must have an equal opposite reaction.
Interlocutor: Yeah.
Grant: So, for some people who are expanding into the fifth dimension, one over five is two, so some people are gonna go into the flat dimension.
Interlocutor: Mmhmm.
Grant: Like, literally, there is an expansion of consciousness happening concomitant to a contraction of it. You cannot have it any other way! Look at any any movie. LORD OF THE RINGS.”

This guy is hilarious. I pray that he’s just putting us on, because it would be lovely. But, I fear that he believes that he is spitting truth, hard as nails.

Still, he left off with this,

“Just love and be loved and relax. Don’t take the journey too seriously. Have fun with it. You know, I think that’s the biggest thing. I don’t think the world is a difficult place because people hate each other. I think it can be a difficult place because we hate ourselves. But it is through the process of learning to accept and love ourselves, that we will learn to accept and love the world around us, and then your entire experience and world around you, will totally transform. And this is what it means to be the change you want to see in the world.”

Once again, a smart guy who believes that individual agency can conquer any sort of external influences. No food? No clean water? Be the change you want to see in the world. This kind of philosophy only works for people who already live in a post-Communist utopian luxury where material needs are satisfied to a degree and reliability that you can focus exclusively on your mind and your feelings.

It’s great for selling books and seminars, but it’s just not applicable for 90% of the world’s population. People in other parts of the world can’t even think about stuff like this because they are either malnourished now or were malnourished during their formative years. They haven’t been able to live in nine countries and learn eight languages and sail on their father’s boat (as Grant has).

This is, in a nutshell, a horseshit philosophy that is extremely dangerous to sell to people to whom it cannot possibly apply. They will use it as a hammer and see everything as a nail. They will not blame the philosophy, but will double down, and blame themselves. The blame is baked in. If the approach doesn’t work, it’s because you weren’t trying hard enough. If your boat already floats, this might help keep you on course. If your boat is sinking or halfway underwater, it’s worse than useless—because you will expend energy on “thinking your way to success” instead of investing it somewhere that might actually help you.