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DOOM III: Resurrection of Evil

Published by marco on

Updated by marco on

 VulgarThat’s the name of the new expansion pack being created by Nerve Software using the Doom III engine and properties. DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil (PC) (GameSpy) includes lot of details about it.

On piece of good news is that the Soul Cube makes a comeback. This is a device that you obtain in Hell in the first game that destroys one enemy instantly when used. In doing so, it sucks out its life force and passes it to you. Since you have to kill five other enemies to charge it, it’s a very well-balanced weapon and a lot of fun to use strategically (it also happens to kill the closest creature, so it’s also all about aim to avoid wasting it).

Half-Life fans will raise a tumult, but the “Grabber” will be making an appearance in the expansion, which is pretty much the same as the “gravity gun” from Half-Life 2. Doom also uses a variation of the physics engine that Half-Life has (Havoc), but didn’t enable it in as much of the world as Half-Life 2 (most likely to control the flow of the script more). The expansion pack will offer the Grabber as a weapon, enabling Half-Life 2-style rampages of just throwing stuff at enemies. It will also work on non-metallics:

“…you can grab projectiles from enemies and fling them back, or even pick up small enemies and toss them at each other.”

The story line is also kind of interesting, involving a hunt for three “hunters” sent out by Dr. Betruger: “Each of the Hunters has its own special ability, and the artifact is able to “steal” these abilities once each Hunter is defeated.” The expansion continues to incorporate (euphemistic, I know) features from other popular games, like “an ability called “Hell Time,” where everything in the world but you slows down.” This is analogous to ““bullet-time” from the Matrix movies and the Max Payne games”, but “it’s not quite the same, since your character still retains his normal movement speed.” So there.

Doom III was a work of art, simply a visual masterpiece from beginning to end. Sampling the best gameplay features from two other extraordinary titles (Half-Life 2 and Max Payne 2 if you weren’t paying attention) will only make this expansion all the more interesting.