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The idiocracy has arrived.

Published by marco on

Thanks to Twitter, we now have even better access to the splendidly corrupt, morally bankrupt and intellectually vacuous individuals that we send—every four years—to Washington to run America. As detailed in the article, Senator says Obama ‘got nerve’ to push lawmakers by Erica Werner (Google Hosted News), representative Grassley—who happens to be a Republican, but don’t fool yourself into thinking it matters—”tweeted” the following nugget of pith:

“Pres Obama you got nerve while u sightseeing in Paris to tell us ‘time to deliver’ on health care. We still on skedul/even workinWKEND.”

It’s honestly not hard to picture a chimpanzee with furrowed brow earnestly taking up most of his afternoon to provide us with that insight. It’s not at all surprising to see these fools using the technology without thinking about the ramifications of appearing to be a simpleton. Even better, if you’re into more subtle irony is the degree of respect afforded this mis-spelled and petulant missive throughout the article (as in “Grassley’s attitude is significant because […]”) as if we are supposed to take these blurted turds of what we will have to accept as passing for “thoughts” until proven otherwise seriously.

And to think, unlike the movie (IMDb), we don’t even have to wait 500 years. Brawndo, it’s got what you need. It’s got electrolytes!