Hidden fairy tales (41 of 73)

Published by marco on

Those who most easily deem something to be “fake news” are often the same people who can’t see the falsity in the news that they consider to be non-fake. They shout “conspiracy” at everything, except when a cabal of extremely wealthy people conspire to manipulate entire nations to keep money flowing upwards.

  • They believe that that financial system is a free market and that it works for everyone.
  • They believe that the rich pay too much in taxes.
  • They believe that the military budget is justifiable
  • The believe that America’s military presence all over the planet is welcomed as a force for good.
  • They believe that America is exceptional
  • They believe that America is not an empire.
  • They believe that the world is just and fair and that, with enough hard work, literally anyone can make it, can become a millionaire.

They believe all of these fairy tales every day. But they pooh-pooh anything else.