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Donald Knuth Answer All Questions

Published by marco on

The American Mathematical Society recently published a paper titled All Questions Answered (PDF):

“On October 5, 2001, at the Technische Universität München, Donald Knuth presented a lecture entitled “All Questions Answered”. The lecture drew an audience of around 350 people.”

Donald Knuth is the grand old man of programming. He published the The Art of Computer Programming Vols. I-III (with the fourth one on it’s way, believe it or not) and invented TEX and METAFONT, the definitive document and font description and layout languages. These together gave typesetting, text layout and text ‘color’ or aesthetics an algorithmic base, something never before considered or attempted. His ideas about 2 dimensional layout still govern modern standards like XML-FO and CSS2.

It’s a good read if you’re into Don Knuth at all.