George on the Sniper (166 of 254)

Published by marco on

 I know, I’ve written about the WhiteHouse.Org site before, providing select links that really stand out, but whoever is writing this site has really hit his/her stride at this point. Perhaps it’s because of all the juicy news tidbits available these days, perhaps because the target of ridicule is so big; whatever the case, the “press releases” by “The President” are just hilarious. It’s almost scary how much they sound like what we all know he wants to sound like in that malignant tumor posing as mind, hiding behind those beady little eyes.For example, there’s this article on the …Ballistic FingerPrinting of … Sniper Rifles. He starts off with “…there’s a possibly Mohammoid-worshipping sniper shooting up all-American strip malls and gas stations…” and continues with a description of how to take the sniper down, provided he plays by the rules:

“Now if this sniper had real values − and wasn’t some old-person-hating, pro-crime anti-Cuban fatso like Bill McBride − then he wouldn’t hide in a van. He’d do his shooting in broad daylight and plain view − just like the big-balled, blue-eyed frontiersman who didn’t take crap from no feather darkie savages. And I’ll tell you something else, if he was trying to spread the word of the Koran in Crawford − well let’s just say every non-river jumper in town would draw his legally concealed hand cannon and turn that registered Democrat into a crimson slab of swiss cheese. ”

Now, tell me that doesn’t sound like what George must sound like behind closed doors. He’s even got some new posters available in the Patriotic Posters section (see above).In a follow-up statement after the apprehension of the sniper suspects, George declares …America Safe Again for Recreational Assault Rifle Strafing. In it, George says “As you know, late last week saw the apprehension and arrest of two colored muslamoids who had been gunning down innocent Christians all around Washington DC.” Later in the press release, he puts the basic arguments of the NRA and the Second Amendment into his own unique words:

“Now as I was saying, this White House is absolutely confident that by doing everything we can to positively saturate our country with as many firearms as possible, that it’s logical to assume that everyone will be safer. I mean, you give a machine gun to a toddler girl, and hell if any identically armed team of negro Islamiac snipers is gonna be able to harm her, right?”

Makes sense to me.