Imagine if kids could vote? (546 of 714)

Published by marco on

…Bush would be a shoe-in for the next term. Between big federal deficits and cutting programs/funding, almost every state is facing serious budget shortfalls. Who does this affect the most? C’mon, you can guess…remember, he called himself the ‘Education President’ (probably because he still needs to learn how to read). It’s education that’s feeling the first wave of the budget crunches. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel writes in District’s shortened school year sparks interest elsewhere:

“In Portland, Ore., administrators expect to cut 24 school days because of a $51 million budget shortfall. And in Rochester, N.Y., officials are contemplating dropping to a four-day week at some high schools to deal with a $68 million shortfall.”

It’s written up in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel because Wisconsin also has massive budget shortfalls and “… schools in Wisconsin … are also looking at this”.

He may not be popular with their parents, but if Republicans can figure out how to explain that Bush is responsible for their increased X-Box skills, they’ve got a hell of a meal-ticket once those kids hit 18.

Which makes me ask — what the hell were Carter and Reagan doing for us when we were in School?