You might be a programmer if… (143 of 254)

Published by marco on

  1. You immediately complain that this should be subscripted as zero.
  2. Most people say “Go To Hell,” but you tell people to redirect to /dev/null.
  3. By the time you’ve gotten here in the document, you’ve run Tidy or a similar app to check my X/HTML skills.
  4. The statement (0x2b||!0x2b) makes sense to you.
  5. You find 4 funny.
  6. You note with disgust that it always evaluates to true, since 0x2b != 0.
  7. Point 6 disgusts you, because under languages other than C++ (e.g. Java), it would throw an exception, runtime error, etc.
  8. Both points 6 and 7 disgust you, because (0x2b||!0x2b) isn’t a statement.

I’ve truncated the original posting (received via email; thanks, Stephan!) to keep it short and sweet.

If you’re not a programmer, just move along…