A new twist on negative campaign ads (142 of 254)

Published by marco on

New Negative Campaign Ads Blast Voters Directly (The Onion) does it again with another article that will probably end up coming true before November. Now here’s a spot I’d like to see:

“A controversial 30-second TV spot for Kerry that aired throughout the Midwest Monday blamed the country’s ills not on Bush’s policies, but on the “sheer stupidity” of America’s voters.”

The Bush team fights back with:

“‘Are you going to vote for a candidate whose campaign promises would cost America $1.9 trillion over the next decade?’ the ad asks. ‘Of course you aren’t. You aren’t going to vote at all. In the last election, half of you didn’t even show up. So, on Nov. 2, just spend the day right there at your dead-end office job, talking to your coworkers about your new sweater and e-mailing your friends photos of your stupid 2-year-old daughter you shouldn’t have had.‘

“The ad concludes: ‘You make me sick.’”

Here’s hoping this Onion prediction comes true; that would be lots of fun!