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(5) How to edit an album


<n>This article is part (5) of a multi-part <a href="{app}view_article.php?id=1912">earthli Albums tutorial</a>.</n> <hr> Editing an album is just as easy as <a href="{app}/view_article.php?id=1900">creating a new one</a>. To edit an album, go to the album's home page. If you follow the instructions in the <a href="{app}/view_article.php?id=1896">browsing tutorial</a>, you should see the Galapagos as shown below: <img src="{att_link}galapagos_home_page_edit_album.jpg" href="{att_link}galapagos_home_page_edit_album.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Galapagos Home Page (click to enlarge)" scale="50%"> Near the top of the home page, you should see the "Edit" button (1); press it to show the page below (if you can't see the button, follow the instructions for <a href="{app}/view_article.php?id=1896">logging in</a> before continuing): <img src="{att_link}edit_album.jpg" href="{att_link}edit_album.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Edit Album (click to enlarge)" scale="50%"> There are a lot of settings on this page, but you really only need to change the title, near the top (1). When you're finished, press "Save" (2) to save the changes and go back to the album's home page. You can learn how to <a href="{app}/view_article.php?id=1903">change the cover picture</a> in another tutorial. <hr> <n>Continue on to <a href="{app}view_article.php?id=1903">(6) How to change an album’s cover picture</a>.</n>