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Personality Test


<bq author="Maya Angelou">I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.</bq> <hr> <div class="notes">As of right now, this author finds that rainy days are good for catching up on inside hobbies, provided there aren't too many rainy days in a row and that they are suitably interspersed with non-rainy days, which can be used for those lovely outdoor activities that tend to make the inside-hobbies--checklist pile up so much; this author doesn't get angry about lost luggage for two reasons: <ol> There's nothing you can do about it---the luggage will either be found or it won't. If there is such a thing as luck, this author has it---and doesn't expect to ever lose anything really precious. </ol> Tangled Christmas lights? The response used to be cursing---and not necessarily in an inside voice---though hopefully, the mellowness and perspective that accompanies aging have lessened the likelihood of that response and increased the likelihood of rising to the challenge of letting them untangle themselves.</div>