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Daily Show was Devastating


On September 3rd, Jon Stewart was much more vicious than usual, tearing into Laura & George Bush, Fred Thompson ("Foghorn Leghorn") and Senator Lieberman ("Deputy Dawg"). <media args="videoId=184085" src="" caption="John McCain: The Person He Is" href="" author="Jon Stewart" source="The Daily Show" align="center" class="frame" height="316px" width="332px"> Next up was a juxtaposition of videos that let Karl Rove contradict himself (wherein he gushes over Sarah Palin's experience running a town of 9000 people after disparaging a Democratic VP hopeful as inexperienced because his city has only about 100,000 people). Bill O'Reilly also hit the chopping block for, on the one hand, calling for everyone to respect the privacy of Palin's daughter and, on the other, calling Jamie Lynn Spears a slut when she announced her pregnancy. Next, Sean Hannity and Dick Morris are seen discussing how tough it is for a woman to make it in politics (talking about Palin) and then we get to see Morris misogynistically tearing into Hillary a few months ago. <iq>In Dick Morris's defense, he is a lying sack of shit.</iq>, said Jon. McCain's senior policy advisor, Nancy Pfotenhauer ("paw-smacker" in German), also reversed her positions 180ยบ after the GOP chose a woman for VP. To close things out, we see Palin herself advising Hillary not to expect any quarter just because she's a woman. Priceless. <media args="videoId=184086" src="" caption="Sarah Palin Gender Card" href="" author="Jon Stewart" source="The Daily Show" align="center" class="frame" height="316px" width="332px"> The final show covering the Democratic National Convention was comically untouchable and should garner the show an Emmy come awards season. See <a href="" source="The Daily Show" author="Jon Stewart">Videos from August 29, 2008</a> for some good fun: <ul> <a href="'s-Coming-to-Denver---Obama's-Acceptance-Speech" source="" author="">Guess Who's Coming to Denver - Obama's Acceptance Speech</a> (at the end of Obama's speech, even the mile-high stadium could contain itself no longer and blew its fireworks into the night sky) <a href="" source="" author="">John McCain Chooses a Running Mate</a> (Samantha Bee explains why she's totally on board with McCain now that a Vagina-American is his running mate) <a href="**king-News-Team-Ever---DNC" source="" author="">The Best F**king News Team Ever - DNC</a> (The Daily Show News Team just being crazy stupid) <a href="" source="" author="">Moment of Zen - Democratic Tailgating</a> (Riggle and Jones and Bee tailgate at the Democratic Convention parking lot; best scene? Samantha Bee drunkenly riding Jason Jones's shoulders screaming that "slavery sucks") </ul>