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The Long Road to Change: Bombing Pakistan


In a move that should suprise no one who actually read his foreign policy statements, President Obama ordered his first attacks of autonomous foreign soil just three days after his inauguration. As reported in the article, <a href="" source="Times Online" author="Tim Reid">President Obama 'orders Pakistan drone attacks'</a>, the strikes took out 15 people, 3 of them children and 7 of them <iq>foreigners</iq> (assumed to be code for legitimate targets) and were delivered by drones. Perhaps the change is in the improved actual target/innocent victim ratio, which in this attack was higher than those typically reported by the Bush administration. Of course, as with his predecessor, Obama can say whatever the hell he likes about the viability of the targets because any evidence he does have is "top secret", all the targets are dead and anyone remaining is a dirty, lying Taleban sympathizer. Just because it's Obama saying it doesn't make it any better. Obama campaigned on a stepped-up campaign in Afghanistan and expansion into Pakistan if they <iq>wouldn't take care of their Al-Qaeda problem themselves</iq>. True to his word, he's continuing bombing runs on Pakistan started by the Bush administration last August. In a just world, such bombings---executions without evidence, trials or prosecution---would be roundly condemned by the international community and forced to a halt, but the best that even Pakistan can muster is that they <iq>object to such attacks, saying they are a violation of [their] territory</iq>. No shit. But, since their government is propped up by tens of millions of dollars from the U.S., they know on which side their bread is buttered and keep quiet. And so, Obama has popped his bomb-dropping cherry and has started threading his first necklace of ears collected from "collateral damage".