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Vocabulary Words


This is a running list of vocabulary words I've encountered in my reading over the last several years. I use the vocabulary-list feature on my Kindle to collect words, then export them from the Sqlite database with a simple SQL. From there, I have a text file with words that I combine with my existing list, deduplicate and then re-apply formatting to generate the text below. I will occasionally update this list. <info>Where a word (e.g. "reef") has a common definition, I've left it off, preferring to include the more-unusual or rarer definition or definitions.</info> <div style="margin-left: 1em"> <ol> <b>Word</b> -- Definition <b>a fortiori</b> -- For a still stronger reason; all the more <b>a-signifying</b> -- Incidentally meaningful semiotics; effective but not directly connected to intent, meaning or significance (e.g. <a href="">purchase-history--based recommendations</a>) <b>abdominous</b> -- Pot-bellied <b>abiogenesis</b> -- The development of living organisms from nonliving matter. (the original definition included "supposed" before "development", but it must have happened at least once or I'd not be writing this) <b>abjure</b> -- To renounce or retract, esp. formally, solemnly, or under oath <b>ablative</b> -- Related to removal through melting or evaporation <b>abnegation</b> -- Self-denial; renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others <b>abrogation</b> -- To abolish or annul, esp. by an authority <b>absquatulate</b> -- To depart in a hurry; abscond <b>abstruse</b> -- Difficult to understand; obscure <b>accidie</b> -- Spiritual sloth; apathy; indifference <b>acedia</b> -- Spiritual torpor and apathy; ennui. <b>acidulous</b> -- Slightly acrid in taste or manner <b>acnestis</b> -- On an animal, the point of the back that lies between the shoulders and the lower back, which cannot be reached to be scratched <b>acrostic</b> -- Poem or text where the first letters of each line form a message <b>adamant</b> -- <i>(n):</i> Extremely hard substance <b>adduce</b> -- To cite as an example or means of proof in an argument <b>adenoidal</b> -- Nasal in tone <b>adiabatic</b> -- Occurring without gain or loss of heat <b>adjunct</b> -- Added or connected in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity <b>adjuvant</b> -- A treatment that enhances an existing medical regimen, as a pharmacological agent added to a drug to increase or aid its effect. <b>adumbrate</b> -- To give a sketchy outline <b>advesperate</b> -- To approach evening <b>aerostat</b> -- A lighter-than-air vehicle, like a balloon or dirigible <b>aerumnous</b> -- Full of trouble <b>aesculapian</b> -- Related to the art of medicine <b>aesthete</b> -- A person who is unusually sensitive to beauty in art or nature <b>aetiology</b> -- The philosophy or study of causation; variant of etiology <b>affiant</b> -- One who makes an affidavit. <b>afflatus</b> -- A strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration. <b>affray</b> -- A riot; a large group fighting <b>aftosa</b> -- Another name for foot-and-mouth disease. <b>aga</b> -- leader (civil or military) in the Ottoman empire <b>agitprop</b> -- subversive writing; see samizdat <b>agnatology</b> -- the study of culturally-induced ignorance <b>agonistic</b> -- Argumentative; striving for effect; strained <b>aiguillette</b> -- An ornamental cord worn on the shoulder of a military uniform <b>ailurophobia</b> -- Extreme or irrational fear of cats. <b>akinesia</b> -- Loss of normal motor function, resulting in impaired muscle movement <b>akrasia</b> -- Weakness of will; acting contrary to one’s moral values <b>Albion</b> -- Britain or England <b>aleatory</b> -- Dependent on chance <b>alee</b> -- On the leeward side <b>alembic</b> -- Distilling apparatus consisting of two vessels and a tube <b>aliform</b> -- Shaped like a wing; alar <b>alkahest</b> -- The hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists. <b>amanuensis</b> -- An assistant <b>ambuscade</b> -- An ambush <b>amethyst</b> -- Purple or violet quartz <b>amphisbaena</b> -- Mythical Greek ant-eating serpent with a head at each end <b>anaclitic</b> -- Psychologically dependent on others <b>anacoenosis</b> -- An appeal by the speaker to his opponents or to the audience for an opinion of the point <b>anadem</b> -- A wreath or garland for the head. <b>analysand</b> -- A person who is being psychoanalyzed <b>anamnesis</b> -- 1. A recalling to memory; recollection; 2. the case history of a patient <b>anastomosis</b> -- Connection of parts of a branching system to form a network (e.g. blood vessels or rivers) <b>ancho</b> -- A dried poblano pepper. <b>andirons</b> -- A pair of metal supports used for holding up logs in a fireplace <b>anfract</b> -- [definition unknown] (from <i>Umberto Eco</i>, <i>The Island of the Day Before</i> (<iq>[...] following its rifts and anfracts, past corridors of chalk in which vinous harlequins were stuck</iq>) <b>anhedonia</b> -- Inability to express pleasure <b>anile</b> -- unable to think clearly or infirm because of old age <b>anisotropic</b> -- Having properties that differ based on the direction of measurement (e.g. oval) <b>anodyne</b> -- Uncontentious or inoffensive <b>anoesis</b> -- Absence of thought (anoetic) <b>anorak</b> -- A socially inept person with a hobby considered by most people to be boring <b>anorectic</b> -- Marked by loss of appetite (anorexic) <b>anserine</b> -- Goose-like <b>anterior</b> -- Before or in front of; previously <b>anthroponymy</b> -- The study of the names of human beings (syn: <i>anthroponomastics</i>) <b>antimacassar</b> -- A protective and often decorative covering for the back or arms of a chair or sofa. <b>antinomian</b> -- One who denies the fixed meaning or universal applicability of moral law <b>antinomy</b> -- A contradiction between two beliefs or conclusions that are in themselves reasonable; a paradox <b>antipodes</b> -- Group of rocky island near New Zealand, almost directly opposite Greenwich, England <b>aperçus</b> -- A discerning perception; an insight. <b>apodictic</b> -- Logically certain; demonstrably true or false <b>apophasis</b> -- Allusion to something by denying that it will be mentioned, as in <i>I will not bring up my opponent's questionable financial dealings</i> <b>apophatic</b> -- Of or relating to the belief that God can only be described by a process of negation <b>apophenia</b> -- The tendency to perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things; confirmation bias <b>aporetic</b> -- A doubt, real or professed, about what to do or say <b>aporia</b> -- An insoluble contradiction or paradox in a text's meanings. <b>Aposematic</b> -- Having bright, colorful markings that warn predators of poison; a doubt, real or professed, about what to do or say <b>apostasy</b> -- Abandonment of one’s religious faith, party or a cause <b>apothegm</b> -- A maxim <b>apotheosis</b> -- Deification; exaltation to divine rank (nirvana) <b>apotropaic</b> -- Intended to ward off evil <b>appanage</b> -- Provision (usually land) granted (usually to a family member) as a source of revenue <b>apperception</b> -- Conscious perception with full awareness <b>apposite</b> -- Appropriate or relevant <b>approbation</b> -- Official approval <b>appurtenance</b> -- 1. appendage; 2. gear <b>arbalest</b> -- Crossbow-like missile launcher <b>architrave</b> -- The lintel or beam lying across two columns <b>arcology</b> -- A portmanteau of architecture" and "ecology", a very densely populated habitat (page 231 of Reamde) <b>arhat</b> -- One who has attained enlightenment. <b>armamentarium</b> -- The complete range of materials available or used for a task <b>armet</b> -- A late-medieval light helmet with a neck guard and movable visor <b>armillary</b> -- Of or relating to the arm (e.g. bracelets) <b>arquebus</b> -- A portable, long-barrelled gun, predecessor to the rifle <b>arrant</b> -- Utter; out-and-out <b>arras</b> -- A tapestry, wall hanging or curtain (usually Flemish) <b>arreptitious</b> -- Snatched away; seized or possessed, as a demoniac; raving; mad; crack-brained <b>artilect</b> -- A machine or robot possessing artificial intelligence <b>asafetida</b> -- A plant common to Iran and Afghanistan; produces a brownish, strong-smelling resin <b>askesis</b> -- The exercise of rigorous self-discipline, especially mental self-discipline practiced as a means to spiritual growth. <b>aspirate</b> -- To draw in or remove by inhalation or suction, esp to suck (air or fluid) from a body cavity or to inhale (fluid) into the lungs after vomiting <b>asseveration</b> -- A positive and emphatic declaration <b>assignation</b> -- A tryst <b>astragal</b> -- A molding that covers a gap (usually to prevent airflow) <b>ataraxia</b> -- A calm of mind; serenity <b>ataxic</b> -- Loss of the ability to coordinate muscle movement (Lucky Jim) <b>Ativan</b> -- Tranquilizer; trade name for lorazepam <b>atrabilious</b> -- Melancholy; peevish; surly <b>attenuate</b> -- To become slender, fine or small <b>auscultate</b> -- To listen to sounds produced by the body (e.g. heartbeat) <b>autarky</b> -- Quality of being self-sufficient, as in a state or economy <b>autoclave</b> -- A heavy vessel for sterilizing or cooking by means of steam under pressure. <b>autochthonous</b> -- Local; native; indigenous <b>autolatrous</b> -- Self-worshiping <b>autopoiesis</b> -- A closed system capable of creating itself <b>autotelic</b> -- Having a purpose in and justifying itself <b>avariciously</b> -- Greedily, immoderately so <b>aventurine</b> -- A form of quartz; green; translucent with a shimmering or glistening effect <b>avulsion</b> -- The forcible tearing away of a body part; change in landscape due to flooding or riverbed changes <b>baize</b> -- Coarse woolen cloth (used e,g, to cover snooker or billiard tables) <b>balanitis</b> -- Inflammation of the glans penis, usually due to infection <b>balatron</b> -- Jester or buffoon <b>balboa</b> -- The official currency of Panama <b>baldachin</b> -- A canopy of state over an altar or throne <b>ballista</b> -- Medieval field weapon similar to a crossbow (heavy projectiles) <b>basque</b> -- A woman's close-fitting bodice. <b>bast</b> -- The phloem of a plant (bast fiber) <b>bastinado</b> -- A beating on the soles of the feet <b>Batavia</b> -- A former name for Jakarta <b>bathetic</b> -- Portmanteau of bathos and pathetic (anticlimactic, banal, trite) <b>bathypelagic</b> -- Relating to or inhabiting the layer of the water column of the open ocean that lies between the mesopelagic and abyssopelagic layers at depths of about 1,000 to 4,000 meters <b>batrachian</b> -- An amphibian, esp. a frog or a salamander <b>battement</b> -- 1. In dance, a kicking movement done with a lifted leg. 2. A beating; striking; impulse. <b>baulk</b> -- Line from which croquet, snooker, billiard ball is put into play (or the area behind it) <b>beadle</b> -- Church usher <b>beignet</b> -- A square doughnut without a hole; a fritter <b>beldam</b> -- A hag (also written as <i>beldame</i>) <b>belie</b> -- To misrepresent <b>benedicence</b> -- Benevolence in speech <b>benthic</b> -- Of or pertaining to the bottom of a body of water <b>besom</b> -- Twigs tied to a handle to make a broom <b>bezique</b> -- A card game for two or more players with tricks similar to whist (or pinochle) but with additional points scored for honours and sequences: played with two packs with nothing below a seven <b>bezoar</b> -- hard, indigestible mass of food in the stomach or intestines <b>bibelot</b> -- A small decorative object; a trinket <b>bidonville</b> -- A shantytown on the outskirts of a city, especially in France or North Africa. <b>bight</b> -- A loop in a rope; a wide bay characterized by a bend or curve <b>bilious</b> -- Peevish; ill-humored <b>biretta</b> -- Square hat worn by ecclesiastics, with three or four ridges on the brow <b>bitts</b> -- A post on the deck of a ship to which ropes or cables are secured <b>blackleg</b> -- 1. A livestock or plant disease, usually fatal. 2. A cardsharp <b>blench</b> -- To draw back or shy away, as from fear; flinch <b>bloater</b> -- A large mackerel or herring, salted, smoked and dried <b>bodkin</b> -- A long needle or awl; a dagger or stiletto <b>boffin</b> -- A person who has extensive skill or knowledge in a particular field (<i>Brit.</i>; similar to <i>wonk</i> in <i>Amer.</i>) <b>bolster</b> -- A long, narrow pillow or cushion <b>bombilate</b> -- To make a certain noise or sound. To buzz. <b>boracic</b> -- Having no money; Brit. slang <b>borage</b> -- Southern European bristly herb with blue or purplish, star-shaped flowers <b>bothy</b> -- Small hut or cottage (Scot.) <b>bourg</b> -- 1. A market town. 2. A medieval village, especially one situated near a castle. <b>boustrophedonic</b> -- A script that is simultaneously left-to-right and right-to-left <b>bowdlerize</b> -- To expurgate literary material; to censor <b>boyar</b> -- A member of the nobility of Russia, before Peter the Great <b>bract</b> -- A leaflike or scalelike plant part, usually small, sometimes showy or brightly colored, and located just below a flower, a flower stalk, or an inflorescence <b>bradycardia</b> -- Slowness of the heart rate (usually less than 60BPM) <b>brassica</b> -- Genus that includes cabbage, swede, rape and mustard <b>breechclout</b> -- A loincloth <b>breezeway</b> -- An enclosure joining two parts of a building (e.g. a house and its garage) <b>brigandine</b> -- Flexible body armor covered in cloth <b>bromidrosis</b> -- Body odor <b>bruit</b> -- A din or clamor <b>brume</b> -- Fog or mist <b>burgeon</b> -- To begin to grow or blossom (to put forth buds) <b>burgoo</b> -- Any of several thick stews, originally an oatmeal porridge. <b>burbot</b> -- A freshwater food fish (Lota lota) of northern regions of the Northern Hemisphere, closely related to and resembling the cod and having a long barbel on the chin. Also called <i>cusk</i>, <i>eelpout</i>. <b>buskin</b> -- A thick-soled laced half boot worn by actors of Greek and Roman tragedies <b>buttonholer</b> -- Someone who accosts or detains (a person) in conversation <b>cabochon</b> -- A highly polished, convex-cut, unfaceted gem <b>cabotage</b> -- Law or policy protecting transporters of passengers and goods within a country from competition from foreign carriers. <b>cachalot</b> -- Sperm whale <b>cadastral</b> -- A public register showing details of ownership of the real property in a district, including boundaries and tax assessments <b>caduceus</b> -- A herald’s wand or staff (usually refers to the two serpents logo of Hermes’s staff used by the medical profession) <b>caecotrophs</b> -- Animals that are coprophagous (eat their own excrement) <b>cafard</b> -- A feeling of severe depression (from the French, literally hypocrite, cockroach) <b>caique</b> -- A long narrow rowboat traditionally used on the Bosporus. <b>caisson</b> -- A watertight structure for performing work or repairs under water <b>caitiff</b> -- A despicable coward; a wretch <b>caleche</b> -- A light two- or four-wheeled horse-draw carriage <b>calenture</b> -- A tropical fever thought to be caused by heat; similar to sunstroke <b>caliche</b> -- A mineral deposit of gravel, sand, and nitrates <b>caliginous</b> -- Dark, misty and gloomy <b>calk</b> -- 1. A spiked plate that is fixed on the bottom of a shoe to prevent slipping and preserve the sole.; 2. A pointed extension on the toe or heels of a horseshoe, designed to prevent slipping. <b>callipygian</b> -- Relating to or having buttocks that are considered beautifully proportioned <b>callow</b> -- Immature <b>calque</b> -- To make a loan translation from (a word in another language) <b>caltrop</b> -- Metal spikes thrown across a road <b>calvados</b> -- A French brandy made from apples. <b>canaille</b> -- The common people; the masses; the hoi polloi <b>candlewick</b> -- A fabric resembling chenille, made with closely-spaced tufts of cotton and used primarily for bedspreads and robes <b>canebrake</b> -- A piece of ground covered with a dense growth of canes <b>canescent</b> -- Turning white or grayish; becoming hoary <b>cannula</b> -- A tube inserted into a body cavity (e.g. a nose tube) <b>cantrip</b> -- A deceptive move; a sham <b>caoutchouc</b> -- Untreated rubber <b>caparison</b> -- Fancy dress or ornamentation for a man or horse (or to make fancy by decorating in this way) <b>capercaillie</b> -- A large grouse (<i>Tetrao urogallus</i>), native to northern Europe and having dark plumage and a fanlike tail. Also called <i>wood grouse</i>. <b>capsid</b> -- A virus’s protein coat <b>captious</b> -- Nitpicky; deliberately confusing; underhanded debating tactics <b>caracole</b> -- A half-turn performed by a horse and rider (or to perform same) <b>caravansary</b> -- An inn built around a large court for accommodating caravans (mostly in Asia) <b>carnelian</b> -- A pale to deep red or reddish-brown variety of clear chalcedony, used in jewelry. <b>casement</b> -- A window or part of a window set on a hinge so that it opens like a door <b>casuistical</b> -- Specious reasoning intended to mislead <b>castrum</b> -- An old Roman fortress or encampment <b>catabolic</b> -- The metabolic breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, often resulting in a release of energy. <b>catafalque</b> -- A funeral bier <b>catamenial</b> -- Of or relating to menstruation or the menses <b>catamite</b> -- A boy who has a sexual relationship with a man. <b>cataphract</b> -- A defensive armor, often made of link mail, used for the entire body (also covering a horse in cavalry) <b>catastasis</b> -- The part of a drama immediately preceding the climax <b>catawampus</b> -- Skewed, twisted <b>catchpenny</b> -- Designed and made to sell without concern for quality; cheap. <b>catechism</b> -- 1. A manual giving basic instruction in a subject, usually by rote or repetition; 2. A body of fundamental principles or beliefs, especially when accepted uncritically <b>catechumen</b> -- A novice; one who is being instructed at an elementary level <b>catenary</b> -- The curve formed by a cable suspended by its endpoints <b>caudal</b> -- Situated beneath or on the underside; inferior; opposite of anterior <b>caudillo</b> -- A leader or chief, especially a military dictator. <b>cautery</b> -- The act or process or cauterizing (or an agent used to cauterize) <b>cavil</b> -- To quibble <b>cenotaph</b> -- A monument honoring a person buried elsewhere <b>cerements</b> -- A burial cloth <b>cernuous</b> -- Drooping, as the leaves of a plant <b>chaff</b> -- Trivial or worthless matter; dry bracts of seeds, removed during threshing; metal bits emitted by a plane to foil radar <b>chalcedony</b> -- A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz <b>chancel</b> -- The space around the altar of a church for the clergy and sometimes the choir, often enclosed by a lattice or railing. <b>chancellery</b> -- The rank, position, office or department of a chancellor <b>chandler</b> -- One that makes or sells candles <b>chaparral</b> -- An area covered by a dense growth of mostly small-leaved evergreen shrubs <b>charas</b> -- A cannabis concentrate made from the resin of a live cannabis plant; from the Urdu/Hindi <b>charivari</b> -- An elaborate, noisy celebration, often mocking (page 508 of the Idiot) <b>chary</b> -- 1. Very cautious; wary; 2. Not giving or expending freely; sparing <b>chatelaine</b> -- The mistress of a castle or of a large, fashionable household; a hooklike clasp with chains for suspending small objects, as keys worn at the waist by women esp. in the 18th and 19th centuries <b>chautauqua</b> -- A summer school or educational meeting held in the summer <b>chiasmus</b> -- Reversal of the order of words in the second of two parallel phrases: he came in triumph and in defeat departs. <b>chiaroscuro</b> -- The technique of using light and shade in pictorial representation <b>chiasmus</b> -- A rhetorical inversion of the second of two parallel structures, as in "Each throat / Was parched, and glazed each eye" (Samuel Taylor Coleridge). <b>chicane</b> -- 1. An artificial narrowing or turn on a road or auto-racing course; 2. To resort to tricks or subterfuges <b>chicle</b> -- The coagulated milky latex of the sapodilla, formerly used as the principal ingredient of chewing gum. <b>chilblain</b> -- An inflammation followed by itchy irritation on the hands, feet, or ears, resulting from exposure to moist cold <b>chimerical</b> -- Highly improbable or illusory <b>chine</b> -- 1. The backbone or spine, esp. of an animal; 2. a cut of meat containing same <b>chintz</b> -- A printed and glazed cotton fabric, usually of bright colors <b>Chiron</b> -- The wise centaur who tutored Achilles, Hercules, and Asclepius <b>chiropodist</b> -- A podiatrist or foot doctor <b>chiton</b> -- 1. A mollusk that lives on rocks and has a shell consisting of eight overlapping calcareous plates. Also called sea cradle or coat-of-mail shell; 2. A tunic worn by men and women in ancient Greece <b>choad</b> -- a. A penis (esp. one that is wider than it is long); 2. Someone who is obnoxious or annoying <b>chode</b> -- Past tense of chide <b>cholecystitis</b> -- Inflammation of the gallbladder <b>choropleth</b> -- A symbol or marked and bounded area on a map denoting the distribution of some property <b>chronophagy</b> -- Something that wastes (or "eats") time. <b>chyme</b> -- Semi-fluid mass of partly digested food/bolus in the stomach <b>chyron</b> -- A graphic that is digitally superimposed over the lower portion of a broadcast television image, often scrolling or otherwise animated <b>cichlid</b> -- Any of numerous tropical and subtropical chiefly freshwater fishes of the family Cichlidae, which includes the tilapias and many species that are popular as aquarium fish. <b>cimicine</b> -- Smelling like bugs <b>circumvallate</b> -- Encircle as with a rampart <b>cisalpine</b> -- Relating to, living on, or coming from the southern side of the Alps <b>cislunar</b> -- Of or relating to the space between the earth and the moon <b>clabber</b> -- Sour, curdled milk; to curdle <b>clafoutis</b> -- A baked dessert composed of a layer of fresh fruit topped with a thick batter. Chiefly French. <b>clapboard</b> -- 1. A long thin timber board with one edge thicker than the other, used in wood-frame construction by lapping each board over the one below; 2. a house made of same <b>clavis</b> -- 1. A key; 2. A glossary <b>clepsydra</b> -- An instrument designed to measure time by the fall or flow of a quantity of water; also called a "water clock" <b>clerestory</b> -- A portion of an interior rising above adjacent rooftops and having windows admitting daylight. <b>clerisy</b> -- Educated people considered as a group; the literati. <b>cloistered</b> -- Secluded or shut up from the world <b>clotted cream</b> -- A thick cream made primarily in England by heating milk until a layer of cream forms on its surface that is then cooled and skimmed off <b>clyster</b> -- An enema <b>coadunate</b> -- Closely joined; grown together; united. <b>cockade</b> -- An ornament, such as a rosette or knot of ribbon, usually worn on the hat as a badge. <b>codon</b> -- A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides constituting the genetic code that determines the insertion of a specific amino acid in a polypeptide chain during protein synthesis or the signal to stop protein synthesis <b>coffle</b> -- A line of animals or slaves, chained together <b>coir</b> -- The fiber obtained from the husk of a coconut <b>colliery</b> -- A coal mine together with its physical plant and outbuildings <b>colloidal</b> -- A liquid within which very fine particles are evenly distributed so that they stay suspended <b>colloquy</b> -- Written dialogue <b>coloratura</b> -- Vocal music characterized by florid ornamental passages <b>colporteur</b> -- A peddler of devotional literature <b>colubra</b> -- A female snake <b>colubrine</b> -- Serpentine <b>Columbine</b> -- A flower from the buttercup family <b>colure</b> -- Either of two great circles on the celestial sphere, one of which passes through the celestial poles and the equinoxes and the other through the poles and the solstices <b>commensality</b> -- The act or practice of eating at the same table <b>commixtion</b> -- The act of mixing together <b>communard</b> -- One who lives in a commune <b>compendious</b> -- Containing or stating briefly all the essentials of something; comprehensive and concise <b>compossible</b> -- Able to exist with another thing; consistent. <b>comprador</b> -- A person who acts as an agent for foreign organizations engaged in investment, trade, or economic or political exploitation <b>conatus</b> -- the tendency of all things to persist in their own being <b>concessio</b> -- "A rhetorical stylistic tool in which one takes up the opponent’s argument, acknowledging it as correct while simultaneously weakening it. (E.g. “Yes. Günther has behaved immorally, <b>but he can not be legally punished for it.”) See <i>paromologia</i>." concomitant</b> -- Occurring or existing concurrently <b>concupiscent</b> -- Lascivious <b>condign</b> -- Deserved; adequate <b>congelation</b> -- The process of congealing or the state of being congealed. <b>congeries</b> -- A collection <b>conjunctivitis</b> -- Inflammation of the conjunctiva, characterized by redness and often accompanied by a discharge <b>conker</b> -- A horse chestnut <b>conkers</b> -- A game in which two players swing horse chestnuts strung on string, each trying to use his or her horse chestnut to shatter his or her opponent's. <b>connubial</b> -- Of marriage or wedlock; matrimonial; conjugal. <b>consilience</b> -- A chance happening or coincidence <b>conspecific</b> -- Of or belonging to the same species. <b>constult</b> -- To act stupidly together <b>consubstantiality</b> -- Participation of the same nature; coexistence in the same substance. <b>contango</b> -- A situation where the futures price of a commodity is higher than the spot price <b>contemn</b> -- To view with contempt; despise <b>contra mundum</b> -- Against the world; in defiance of all general opinion <b>contrariety</b> -- The quality or condition of being contrary. <b>contretemps</b> -- 1. An inopportune or embarrassing occurrence or situation; 2. an argument or dispute <b>contumacious</b> -- Anti-authoritarian <b>contumely</b> -- Rudeness or contempt arising from arrogance; insolence <b>conurbation</b> -- A predominantly urban region including adjacent towns and suburbs; a metropolitan area <b>convolvulus</b> -- Any typically twining herbaceous convolvulaceous plant of the genus Convolvulus, having funnel-shaped flowers and triangular leaves <b>copula</b> -- The word or set of words that serves as a link between the subject and predicate of a proposition <b>coracle</b> -- A small, rounded, primitive boat (stretched skin over wooden frame) <b>corse</b> -- A corpse (<i>archaic</i>) <b>corybantic</b> -- To dance in a fashion similar to rites for the Phrygian goddess Cybele, celebrated with music and ecstatic dances <b>cotise</b> -- A narrow stripe that usually occurs as one of a pair, with each stripe occurring on either side of a bend, fess, or other charge in heraldry <b>crepuscular</b> -- Resembling twilight; dim; active at twilight (from <i>Reamde</i>) <b>cresset</b> -- A metal cup, often suspended on a pole, containing burning oil or pitch and used as a torch <b>cretonne</b> -- A heavy unglazed cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers <b>crim</b> -- Short for criminal <b>crotchet</b> -- An odd, whimsical, perverse or stubborn notion <b>croupy</b> -- The rump of a beast of burden, especially a horse. <b>croupy</b> -- Characterized by respiratory difficulty and a hoarse, brassy cough <b>cryptid</b> -- Animals that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but are not believed to exist by mainstream science <b>cuirass</b> -- A piece of armor for protecting the breast and back, often consisting of two pieces fastened together <b>cuirassier</b> -- A horse soldier in European armies whose equipment included the cuirass <b>culverin</b> -- 1. An early, crudely made musket; 1. A long heavy cannon used in the 16th and 17th centuries <b>cumbrously</b> -- In a cumbersome manner; difficult to handle because of size or weight <b>cunctation</b> -- Procrastination; delay <b>cupidity</b> -- Excessive desire, esp. for wealth; covetousness or avarice <b>curate</b> -- 1. A member of the clergy employed to assist a rector or vicar; 2. To take charge of (a museum) or organize (an art exhibit); 3. To gather and present to the public <b>curlew</b> -- Any of several brownish, long-legged shorebirds of the genus Numenius, having long, slender, downward-curving bills <b>currycomb</b> -- A comb with plastic or rubber teeth, used for grooming horses. <b>curtilage</b> -- The area considered legally part of a house or dwelling by virtue of its enclosure by a fence or habitual use in domestic activities. <b>cuspidor</b> -- spittoon; a large bowl, often of metal, serving as a receptacle for spit, esp. from chewing tobacco <b>cutis</b> -- The dermis and epidermis of the skin together <b>cynosure</b> -- Focal point of attention or admiration <b>dacoit</b> -- A member of a robber band or gang in South Asia <b>dag</b> -- Hanging fur matted with mud <b>damask</b> -- 1. A rich patterned fabric of cotton, linen, silk, or wool; 2. the wavy pattern on Damascus steel <b>davit</b> -- A small crane that projects over the side of a ship and is used to hoist boats, anchors, and cargo <b>deadhead</b> -- To remove dead flowers from a bush <b>deare</b> -- An act of damage or injury <b>debauch</b> -- To corrupt morally; to seduce <b>debility</b> -- Being weak or infirm <b>deckle</b> -- A frame used in making paper by hand to form paper pulp into sheets of a desired size. <b>decoupage</b> -- The technique of decorating a surface with cutouts, as of paper, and finishing with layers of lacquer or varnish <b>decrepicate</b> -- To make a crackling sound when roasted (crystals or salts) <b>defalcation</b> -- Misuse of funds; embezzlement <b>defeasance</b> -- The voiding of a contract or deed <b>deflagrate</b> -- To burn or cause to burn with great heat and intense light <b>deictic</b> -- Directly proving by argument <b>dekko</b> -- A look; a glance; view. E.g. Take a <i>dekko</i> at. <b>delation</b> -- The act of conveying; carriage (<i>obsolete</i>) <b>delator</b> -- An accuser; an informer <b>deliquesce</b> -- 1. To disappear as if by melting; 2. to dissolve and become liquid by absorbing moisture from the air; 3. to branch out into numerous subdivisions that lack a main axis, as the trunk of an elm <b>demesne</b> -- An extensive piece of landed property; an estate <b>demiurge</b> -- A powerful creative force or personality <b>demob</b> -- Short for demobilization of armed forces <b>demonym</b> -- Official designation for the inhabitant of a region (see <i>gentilic</i>) <b>demotic</b> -- Of or relating to the common people; popular <b>deodand</b> -- A thing that had caused a person's death and was forfeited to the crown for a charitable purpose; literally: "giving unto God" <b>deoppilate</b> -- To clear a passage through <b>derecho</b> -- A windstorm that is accompanied by a quickly moving, usually bow-shaped band of showers or thunderstorms. <b>descant</b> -- 1. An ornamental melody or counterpoint sung or played above a theme; 2. A discussion or discourse on a theme <b>desideratum</b> -- Something considered necessary or highly desirable <b>desquamate</b> -- To shed, peel, or come off in scales. Used of skin <b>desuetude</b> -- A state of disuse or inactivity. <b>diachronic</b> -- Of or concerned with phenomena, such as linguistic features, as they change through time. <b>diagetic</b> -- Music that exists within the reality of a film <b>dialetheia</b> -- True contradictions (true statements whose opposite is also true) <b>diaphoresis</b> -- Copious perspiration; usu. a condition <b>dibble</b> -- A pointed gardening implement used to make holes in soil, especially for planting bulbs or seedlings. <b>diegesis</b> -- The world that is depicted in a work of narrative art, especially a film. <b>diegetic</b> -- Existing or occurring within the world of a narrative rather than as something external to that world (i.e. narration or soundtrack music in a film is <i>non</i>-diegetic) <b>dieresis</b> -- Diacritical mark indicating a pronounced vowel <b>diffident</b> -- Lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence; shy and timid <b>dilatory</b> -- Causing or intended to cause delay <b>dimity</b> -- A sheer, crisp cotton fabric with raised woven stripes or checks, used chiefly for curtains and dresses. <b>dioptric</b> -- Relating to optical refraction; refractive <b>discursive</b> -- Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling. <b>disembogue</b> -- Pour out; be disgorged in quantity <b>disheveled</b> -- Being in loose disarray; unkempt, as hair or clothing <b>dissimulate</b> -- To conceal one's true feelings or intentions <b>dissolute</b> -- Lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices; lax in morals; licentious <b>distaff</b> -- Women considered as a group; female <b>dithyramb</b> -- 1. any wildly enthusiastic speech or writing 2. A frenzied, impassioned choric hymn and dance of ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus <b>divagate</b> -- 1. To wander or drift about; 2. to ramble; digress <b>doolally</b> -- Out of one's mind; crazy <b>dombra</b> -- A long-necked Kazakh, Uzbek and Bashkir lute <b>doss</b> -- 1. Sleep; rest; 2. a crude or makeshift bed <b>douanier</b> -- A customs officer <b>dovecote</b> -- A compartmental structure, often raised on a pole, for housing domesticated pigeons <b>dowager</b> -- 1. A widow who holds a title or property derived from her deceased husband; 2. an elderly woman of high social station <b>doxastic</b> -- Of or relating to belief <b>doxology</b> -- An expression of praise to God, esp. a short hymn sung as part of a Christian worship service <b>draughts</b> -- The game of checkers <b>dropsy</b> -- An excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue spaces or a body cavity; edema (<i>obsolete</i>) <b>drupe</b> -- A fleshy fruit with a pit (e.g. peach, plum, cherry, etc.) <b>duckboard</b> -- A board or boardwalk laid across wet or muddy ground or flooring <b>dudgeon</b> -- 1. A sullen, angry, or indignant humor; 2. A dagger with a hilt made of this wood. <b>dunam</b> -- A unit of area used for land measurement in Israel and usually equal to 1,000 square meters. <b>dupatta</b> -- A long wide scarf often worn draped over the head or across the shoulders, chiefly by women in South Asia <b>duumvirate</b> -- 1. A regime or partnership of two persons 2. A coalition of two people holding the same office, as in ancient Rome. <b>dysarthria</b> -- Unclear articulation of otherwise normal speech <b>dysgraphic</b> -- Having a neurological disorder marked by impairment of the ability to write, especially to write by hand and to spell. <b>dysphemism</b> -- The use of a derogatory, offensive or vulgar word or phrase to replace a (more) neutral original. <b>dysphoria</b> -- An emotional state characterized by anxiety, depression, or unease; the opposite of <i>euphoria</i> <b>easement</b> -- 1. The act of anointing as part of a religion; 2. An ointment or oil; a salve <b>eau-de-nil</b> -- A pale yellowish green color, supposedly that of the color of the Nile (taken from the French for “water of the Nile”) <b>ecclesial</b> -- Of or relating to a church, especially as an organized institution. Syn.: <i>ecclesiastical</i> <b>ecdemic</b> -- Not indigenous or endemic; foreign <b>echolalia</b> -- The uncontrollable and immediate repetition of words spoken by another person, esp. as associated with mental disorder. <b>écorché</b> -- An anatomical representation of all or part of a human or animal body with the skin removed so as to display the musculature <b>ecumene</b> -- A nuclear area of high culture to which neighboring regions stand in a relation of cultural backwardness or dependence <b>efflorescence</b> -- 1. A gradual process of unfolding or developing; 2. the point or time of greatest vigor; the culmination <b>egregoric</b> -- Of or relating to the occult concept of a group mind, <i>egregore</i> <b>eidolon</b> -- An image of an ideal. An apparition. <b>eisegesis</b> -- Reading meaning into a text that is not there <b>ekphrastic</b> -- In the style of a work of art produced as a rhetorical exercise. <b>Elbrus</b> -- A peak, 5,643 m (18,513 ft) high, in the Caucasus Mountains of southwest Russia near the border of Georgia. It is the highest elevation in Europe <b>eleemosynary</b> -- 1. Of, concerned with, or dependent on charity; 2. Given as an act of charity <b>elegiac</b> -- Of, relating to, or involving elegy or mourning or expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past <b>elozable</b> -- Readily influenced by flattery <b>emanant</b> -- Flowing, issuing, or proceeding from something else; becoming apparent by an effect. <b>embonpoint</b> -- The plump or fleshy part of a person’s body, in particular a woman’s bosom. <b>embouchure</b> -- The mouth of a river <b>emolument</b> -- Payment for an office or employment; compensation <b>Empedocles</b> -- Greek philosopher who believed that all matter is composed of earth, air, fire and water, and that all change is caused by attraction and repulsion. <b>empennage</b> -- The tail assembly of an aircraft (page 223 of <i>Reamde</i>) <b>empyrean</b> -- Heavenly or sublime; the highest part of the (supposedly spherical) heavens, thought in ancient times to contain the pure element of fire and by early Christians to be the abode of God and the angels <b>enantiodromia</b> -- The principle that a superabundance of a force produces its opposite <b>enantiomorphic</b> -- To be chemically identical crystals that are mirror images of each other <b>enceinte</b> -- Pregnant (from the French) <b>encomiast</b> -- A person who delivers or writes an encomium; a eulogist <b>encomium</b> -- Warm praise <b>endometriosis</b> -- The presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus; causes premenstrual pain and dysmenorrhea <b>endonym</b> -- The name for themselves, their homeland, or their language of a people or social group <b>endue</b> -- To provide with a quality or trait; endow <b>enfeoff</b> -- To invest (a person) with possession of a freehold estate in land <b>Ensor</b> -- Belgian expressionist painter, noted for his macabre subjects <b>entasis</b> -- A slight convexity or swelling, as in the shaft of a column, conventionally employed especially in classical architecture. <b>entelechy</b> -- Actuality as opposed to potentiality (from Aristotelian philosophy) <b>entheogenic</b> -- Hallucinogenic, psychedelic, or mind-altering. It applies esp. to drugs or plants employed in mystical, religious, or spiritual ceremonies <b>entrepôt</b> -- A warehouse; a market or trading center (page 648 of <i>Reamde</i>) <b>enure</b> -- To toughen or harden by use or exposure; accustom; habituate (see <i>inure</i>) <b>enuresis</b> -- The involuntary discharge of urine; urinary incontinence <b>epeirogeny</b> -- Uplift or depression of the earth's crust, affecting large areas of land or ocean bottom <b>epenthesis</b> -- Insertion of a sound in a word <b>epergne</b> -- An ornamental stand or dish for holding fruit, flowers, etc., used as a centerpiece <b>epicortical</b> -- On top of the bark (botanical) <b>epicurean</b> -- Devoted to the pursuit of sensual pleasure, esp. to the enjoyment of good food and comfort <b>epideictic</b> -- Designed primarily for rhetorical display <b>epigenetic</b> -- Denoting processes by which heritable modifications in gene function occur without a change in the sequence of the DNA <b>epigone</b> -- A second-rate imitator or follower, esp. of an artist or a philosopher <b>epigram</b> -- A concise, clever, often paradoxical statement (can be a poem); see <i>Yogi Berra</i> or <i>Groucho Marx</i> <b>epigraph</b> -- 1. An inscription, as on a statue or building; 2. a motto or quotation, as at the beginning of a literary composition, setting forth a them <b>epiphenomena</b> -- 1. A secondary or additional phenomenon; by-product; 2. An unexpected or atypical symptom or occurrence during the course of a disease <b>epistemology</b> -- Study of the nature of knowledge <b>epistle</b> -- A literary composition in the form of a letter <b>epistolary</b> -- Of or associated with letters or the writing of letters <b>epitatic</b> -- [definition unknown] (from <i>Oblivion</i> by David Foster Wallace) <b>epithelium</b> -- Membranous tissue composed of one or more layers of cells separated by very little intercellular substance and forming the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs <b>epizeuxis</b> -- The repetition of a word with vehemence and emphasis <b>equanimity</b> -- The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure <b>equerry</b> -- A personal attendant to the British royal household, generally responsible for the horses <b>ergodic</b> -- Of or relating to the probability that any state will recur <b>erysipelas</b> -- An acute streptococcal infectious disease of the skin, characterized by fever, headache, vomiting, and purplish raised lesions, esp. on the face. Also called: Saint Anthony's fire <b>Esau</b> -- In the Bible, the eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca who sold his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, for a mess of pottage <b>eschatology</b> -- The branch of theology that is concerned with the end of the world or of humankind <b>escheat </b> -- A common law doctrine that transfers the real property of a person who has died without heirs to the Crown or state <b>escutcheon</b> -- Shield or emblem bearing a coat of arms <b>espaliered</b> -- A tree or shrub that is trained to grow in a flat plane against a wall or trellis, often in a symmetrical pattern. <b>estaminet</b> -- A small café. <b>estivation</b> -- Dormancy or torpor during the summer <b>esurient</b> -- Hungry <b>etiolate</b> -- 1. To cause to appear pale and sickly; 2. to make weak by stunting the growth or development of <b>eudaemonic</b> -- Producing happiness and well-being <b>euphonium</b> -- A brass instrument similar to the tuba but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound <b>euphonious</b> -- Pleasing or agreeable to the ear. <b>evanescent</b> -- Vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor, ephemeral or transitory, passing out of sight; fading away; vanishing <b>evection</b> -- Irregularity in the moon's motion caused by perturbations of the sun and planets <b>excrescent</b> -- Abnormal or excessive growth <b>exegesis</b> -- Critical explanation or analysis <b>exegete</b> -- A person skilled in exegesis <b>exercitant</b> -- One who practices religious exercises <b>exigent</b> -- Requiring immediate aid or action <b>exiguous</b> -- Meager or extremely scanty <b>exonym</b> -- A name by which one people or social group refers to another and by which the group so named does not refer to itself. <b>exophthalmic</b> -- Characterized by the prominence of the eyeballs <b>exordium</b> -- A beginning or introductory part, esp. of a speech or treatise <b>exoteric</b> -- Not confined to an inner circle of disciples or initiates. <b>extrorse</b> -- Botanical term for facing outward or turned away from the axis <b>factotum</b> -- An assistant who takes on a wide range of tasks and responsibilities. <b>fain</b> -- Happily; gladly (<i>archaic</i>) <b>falchion</b> -- A short and slightly curved medieval sword broader towards the point <b>fantail</b> -- Overhanging stern of a boat (esp. a warship) <b>fard</b> -- To paint the face with cosmetics, so as to hide blemishes <b>farrago</b> -- An assortment or a medley; a hodgepodge <b>farro</b> -- The grains of three wheat species <b>farrow</b> -- 1. A litter of pigs. 2. To produce a litter of pigs. <b>faute-de-mieux</b> -- For lack of something better <b>fauvism</b> -- An early 20th-century movement in painting begun by a group of French artists and marked by the use of bold, often distorted forms and vivid colors. <b>fecundate</b> -- Fertilize; make fruitful <b>felid</b> -- Sly, stealthy, or treacherous; belonging or pertaining to the cat family (related to <i>canid</i> for dogs) <b>fesse</b> -- A wide horizontal band forming the middle section of an escutcheon. <b>fiacre</b> -- A small four-wheeled carriage <b>fideistic</b> -- Reliance on faith alone rather than scientific reasoning or philosophy in questions of religion. <b>fillip</b> -- 1. A snap or light blow made by pressing a fingertip against the thumb and suddenly releasing it; 2. To stimulate or arouse (or something that does so) <b>finial</b> -- 1. An ornamental terminating part, as on a post or piece of furniture; 2. an ornament on top of a spire, gable <b>firedamp</b> -- Methane <b>firth</b> -- A long, narrow inlet <b>fissiparous</b> -- Having a tendency to divide into groups or factions <b>flews</b> -- The fleshy hanging upper lip of a bloodhound or similar dog <b>flinder</b> -- 1. A butterfly. 2. To scamper about flutteringly 3. To break (something) into flinders (pieces) <b>flivver</b> -- A broken-down car or jalopy <b>flocculent</b> -- Having a fluffy or woolly appearance; fleecy <b>flyblown</b> -- 1. Tainted; corrupt; 2. dirty or rundown; squalid <b>flyover</b> -- An overpass, as on a highway (chieflly British) <b>fomes</b> -- Any inanimate or nonpathogenic substance or material, exclusive of food, which may act as a vector for a pathogen. <b>fomites</b> -- Plural of <i>fomes</i> <b>foolscap</b> -- A sheet of writing or printing paper measuring about 13 by 16 inches <b>foxed</b> -- Marked with spots or discoloration, as from age <b>frass</b> -- Debris or excrement produced by insects. <b>fritinancy</b> -- A chirping or creaking, as of a cricket. <b>frowsy</b> -- 1. Unkempt; slovenly; 2. ill-smelling; musty <b>frugivore</b> -- An animal, such as a chimpanzee or fruit bat, that feeds primarily on fruit. <b>fubsy</b> -- Fat and squat <b>fucus</b> -- A seaweed common to intertidal regions and typically having greenish-brown slimy fronds. See also <i>wrack</i> <b>fulguration</b> -- To emit flashes of lightning <b>fulsome</b> -- 1. Excessively flattering or insincerely earnest; sycophantic; 2. disgusting or offensive <b>fungible</b> -- Interchangeable <b>fungo</b> -- The act of tossing the ball upwards and hitting it as it descends, a ball hit in this manner or the light bat used to hit such balls <b>furbelow</b> -- 1. A ruffle or flounce on a garment; 2. piece of showy ornamentation <b>furze</b> -- Gorse; spiny evergreen shrubs <b>fustic</b> -- The wood of a large, tropical American tree, Chlorophora tinctoria, of the mulberry family, yielding a light yellow dye. <b>gaff</b> -- Barbed spear; stick with a hook on it <b>gaffer</b> -- An electrician in charge of lighting on a movie or television set <b>Galen</b> -- Greek anatomist, physician, and philosopher. His theories, which emphasized maintaining a balance of the four humors, formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissance <b>Galicia</b> -- A region of east-central Europe on the north side of the Carpathians, now in SE Poland and Ukraine <b>galliass</b> -- A large, fast, heavily armed three-masted Mediterranean galley of the 1500s and 1600s (var. of <i>galleas</i>) <b>gallimaufry</b> -- A jumble; a hodgepodge <b>gamelan</b> -- An Indonesian orchestra composed mainly of tuned percussion instruments such as bamboo xylophones, wooden or metal chimes, and gongs <b>gastrocnemius</b> -- The largest, most prominent muscle of the calf of the leg, the action of which extends the foot and bends the knee <b>gatka</b> -- An Indian martial art associated with the Sikhs of the Punjab <b>gauleiter</b> -- A person in a position of petty or local authority who behaves in an overbearing authoritarian manner (from a provincial governor in Germany under Hitler) <b>gavage</b> -- Introduction of nutritive material into the stomach by means of a tube. <b>Gehenna</b> -- 1. A place or state of torment or suffering. 2. The abode of condemned souls; hell <b>gelastician</b> -- One who causes laughter <b>gentian</b> -- Any gentianaceous plant having blue, yellow, white, or red showy flowers <b>gentilic</b> -- Derived from a place name that depicts the residents of that place; see <i>demonym</i> <b>geoid</b> -- The hypothetical surface of the earth that coincides everywhere with mean sea level. <b>ghat</b> -- Stairs or a passage leading down to a river (from the Hindi) <b>gigue</b> -- A synonym for jig <b>girn</b> -- To complain; to snarl or grimace (also <i>gurn</i>) <b>glaucous</b> -- 1. Of a pale grayish or bluish green; 2. covered with a bluish waxy or powdery bloom <b>glean</b> -- To gather (something) slowly and carefully in small pieces (comes from the word for gathering useful remnants of a crop from a field after a harvest) <b>glymphatic</b> -- A functional waste clearance pathway for the vertebrate central nervous system. <b>gnomic</b> -- Marked by aphorisms; aphoristic <b>godown</b> -- Warehouse (esp. in India) <b>goffer</b> -- An iron used for pressing ridges or narrow pleats, or ridges or pleats produced in this manner <b>gonfalon</b> -- A banner hung from a crosspiece, like in the Crusades <b>gound</b> -- The gunk that collects in the corners of the eyes <b>gowpen</b> -- A bowl formed by two hands (Scottish) <b>grace-and-favour</b> -- A house, flat, etc. owned by the sovereign and granted free of rent to a person to whom the sovereign wishes to express gratitude <b>gracile</b> -- Gracefully slender <b>gravamen</b> -- Material substance of a charge or complaint <b>greaves</b> -- Shin armor/guards <b>grebe</b> -- Any of various swimming and diving birds of the family Podicipedidae, having a pointed bill and lobed, fleshy membranes along each toe. <b>greenmail</b> -- The practice of a company buying sufficient shares in another company to threaten takeover and making a quick profit as a result of the threatened company buying back its shares at a higher price <b>griot</b> -- A member of a caste responsible for maintaining an oral record of tribal history in the form of music, poetry, and storytelling (chiefly in Western Africa) <b>grisaille</b> -- A style of monochromatic painting in shades of gray <b>grizzle</b> -- To make or become gray <b>groat</b> -- An English silver coin worth four pennies, taken out of circulation in the 17th century <b>groyne</b> -- Variant of groin <b>grutch</b> -- To grudge; to begrudge <b>gudgen</b> -- Pivot; hinge; small fish; one who is easily duped (page 86 of the <i>Brothers Karamazov</i>) <b>guerdon</b> -- A reward; recompense <b>guipure</b> -- A coarse large-patterned lace without a net background. Also called Venice lace. <b>gurn</b> -- To complain, snarl or grimace (also <i>girn</i>; from the Scottish) <b>gyp</b> -- A fraud or swindle, or some who perpetrates same <b>ha-ha</b> -- A wall or other boundary marker that is set in a ditch so as not to interrupt the landscape <b>habergeon</b> -- A short, sleeveless coat of mail; a hauberk. <b>haecceity</b> -- The property that uniquely identifies an object <b>hagridden</b> -- Tormented or harassed by nightmares or unreasonable fears <b>halvah</b> -- A confection of Turkish origin, made chiefly of ground sesame seeds and honey <b>hamartia</b> -- A tragic flaw; the flaw in character which leads to the downfall of the protagonist in a tragedy (e.g. Achilles’s heel) <b>hapax legomenon</b> -- A word or form that occurs only once in the recorded corpus of a given language. <b>hardtack</b> -- A hard biscuit or bread made with only flour and water. Also called sea biscuit, sea bread, ship biscuit <b>haruspicy</b> -- Divination by natural means (e.g. lightning) <b>haustorium</b> -- A specialized structure of a parasitic fungus or plant, used to absorb nutrients and water from the host plant. <b>hawse</b> -- The part of a ship where the hawseholes are located; The space between the bows and anchors of an anchored ship. <b>hebephrenic</b> -- A type of schizophrenia characterized by disorganized speech and behavior, flat or inappropriate affect, and sometimes silly or inappropriate mannerisms. <b>hecatomb</b> -- A large-scale sacrifice or slaughter <b>heliotrope</b> -- Any of various plants that turn toward the sun <b>helotry</b> -- The condition of serfdom <b>helve</b> -- A handle of a tool, such as an axe, chisel, or hammer. <b>hendecagon</b> -- A polygon having eleven sides <b>heresiarch</b> -- One who originates or is the chief proponent of a heresy or heretical movement <b>hermeneutics</b> -- Theory of interpretation (esp. religious texts) <b>heterachy</b> -- A formal structure (e.g. connected nodes) without any single permanent uppermost node <b>heteroclite</b> -- an irregularly formed word; irregular or unusual <b>heterophemize</b> -- To say something different from what you mean to say (e.g. as a false compliment) <b>hierophant</b> -- An interpreter of sacred mysteries or arcane knowledge <b>Hijri</b> -- The lunar calendar used by Muslims and reckoned from a.d. 622: the calendar year consists of 354 days and contains 12 months. <b>hippocras</b> -- Wine flavored with spices <b>homoeomery</b> -- The state or quality of being homogeneous in elements or first principles; likeness or identity of parts. (also <i>Homoeomery</i>) <b>horripilated</b> -- Having goosebumps from either fear or cold or excitement <b>howdah</b> -- A seat for riding on an elephant's back, esp. one with a canopy <b>hoyden</b> -- Tomboy; a boisterous, high-spirited, saucy girl <b>huckster</b> -- A person who sells small items door-to-door or from a stall <b>humect</b> -- To moisten; to wet <b>hunker</b> -- To squat on one's heels (a synonym from Bill Burr: <i>Vietnamese gambler squat</i>) <b>hustings</b> -- A place where political campaign speeches are made (chiefly British) <b>hyaline</b> -- Resembling glass, as in translucence or transparency; glassy <b>hypaethral</b> -- Wholly or partly open to the sky <b>hypertelorism</b> -- Abnormal distance between two paired organs, esp. the eyes <b>iatrogenic</b> -- Unintentionally induced by a physician <b>icteric</b> -- Related to jaundice (to be ill with or a treatment) <b>idiolect</b> -- Unique linquistic pattern with a small group; mini-dialect <b>illeism</b> -- Referring to oneself in the third person <b>imbricate</b> -- To overlap in a regular pattern <b>immanent</b> -- Inherent <b>impecuniousness</b> -- The state of being poor; penury <b>impecunity</b> -- The state of being poor; penury <b>impetigo</b> -- A contagious bacterial skin disease characterized by the formation of pustules that develop into yellowish crusty sores <b>impluvious</b> -- Wet with rain <b>incalescent</b> -- Growing hotter or more ardent <b>incarnadine</b> -- Of a fleshy pink color; blood-red <b>incunabula</b> -- An artifact of an early period (artifact of an early period) <b>indiscerpible</b> -- Not discerpible; inseparable <b>indite</b> -- To set down in writing; to compose <b>infundibulum</b> -- Any of various funnel-shaped bodily passages, openings, structures, or parts, esp. the stalk of the pituitary gland <b>infusoria</b> -- Various microscopic organisms found in infusions of decaying organic matter <b>ingenuous</b> -- Candid; lacking in guile <b>inimical</b> -- Injurious or harmful in effect; adverse; unfriendly or hostile <b>inspissate</b> -- To thicken, as by evaporation <b>instauration</b> -- Renovation; restoration. <b>intarsia</b> -- A decorative inlaid pattern in a surface, esp. a mosaic worked in wood <b>indendant</b> -- An administrative official (such as a governor); director or manager in German <b>interpellate</b> -- To question (a member of the government) on a point of government policy, often interrupting the business of the day <b>interpellation</b> -- An act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; see <i>interpellate</i> <b>intransitive</b> -- An intransitive verb, on the other hand, describes an action that does not happen to something or someone <b>inveigle</b> -- To obtain by cajolery; seduce <b>inverter</b> -- Any device for converting a direct current into an alternating current <b>invidious</b> -- Inciting ill will; troll-y; discriminatory; envious; <b>invigilator</b> -- Monitor or proctor who watches examination candidates to prevent cheating <b>ipseity</b> -- The quality of being oneself or itself; the essentia] element of identity <b>irenic</b> -- Promoting peace; conciliatory. <b>irredentism</b> -- A national policy advocating the acquisition of some region in another country by reason of common linguistic, cultural, historical, ethnic, or racial ties. <b>irrefragably</b> -- Admittedly; fairly <b>jabot</b> -- An ornamental cascade of ruffles or frills down the front of a shirt, blouse, or dress. <b>jasper</b> -- An opaque cryptocrystalline variety of quartz that may be red, yellow, or brown <b>jejune</b> -- Naive, simplistic, or superficial <b>jequirity</b> -- Indian liquorice seeds; used to make black rosary beads <b>jouissance</b> -- Jollity; merriment <b>katabatic</b> -- Of or relating to the downward flow of cold dense air <b>keck</b> -- To retch or feel nausea; to feel or express disgust <b>kedgeree</b> -- 1. A dish of India containing rice, lentils, and spices. 2. a dish of rice, fish, hard-boiled eggs, cream, and seasonings <b>kefir</b> -- A creamy drink made of fermented cow's milk <b>keloid</b> -- An abnormal proliferation of scar tissue, often pink, as on the site of a surgical incision <b>kenning</b> -- A conventional poetic phrase used for or in addition to the usual name of a person or thing, esp. in Old Norse and Old English verse, as wave traveler for boat; see <i>metonymy</i> <b>kermess</b> -- A fair or church dedication <b>kipper</b> -- A herring or salmon that has been split, salted, and smoked <b>kirtle</b> -- 1. A man's knee-length tunic or coat; 2. a woman’s dress or skirt <b>knelling</b> -- The process of disassembling something and arranging its parts <b>kulak</b> -- A prosperous landed peasant in czarist Russia, characterized by the Communists during the October Revolution as an exploiter <b>kukri</b> -- A knife with a curved blade that broadens towards the point, esp. as used by Gurkhas <b>kvass</b> -- A Russian fermented beverage similar to beer, made from rye or barley <b>kwashiorkor</b> -- Severe malnutrition of infants and young children, esp. soon after weaning, resulting from dietary deficiency of protein (comes from the Ghanan) <b>kyriarchy</b> -- A social system or set of connecting social systems built around domination, oppression, and submission (used in feminist theory) <b>lability</b> -- The susceptibility to error or lapses of any kind, as a human failing <b>laburnum</b> -- Any leguminous tree or shrub of the Eurasian genus Laburnum, having clusters of yellow drooping flowers: all parts of the plant are poisonous <b>laconically</b> -- Marked by terseness or concision <b>lacuna</b> -- An empty space or a missing part; a gap <b>lagniappe</b> -- A small gift given with a purchase <b>lahar</b> -- A mass of volcanic fragments, often mixed with water (e.g. rain), moving rapidly down the side of a volcano <b>lambent</b> -- Flickering lightly (e.g. firelight); glowing with soft radiance, luminous <b>lapidary</b> -- Polisher or dealer in precious stones <b>lapillus</b> -- A small, solidified fragment of lava (pl. <i>lapilli</i>) <b>lapis lazuli</b> -- An opaque to translucent blue, violet-blue, or greenish-blue semiprecious gemstone composed mainly of lazurite and calcite. <b>larrikin</b> -- A person given to comical or outlandish behavior; an imp; a hooligan (chiefly <i>Australian</i>) <b>lascar</b> -- An East Indian sailor, army servant, or artillery trooper during the era of European colonialism in Asia <b>laterality</b> -- Preference in using one side of the body over the other. <b>laterite</b> -- A red residual soil formed by the leaching of silica and by the enrichment with aluminum and iron oxides, esp. in humid climates <b>latibulate</b> -- To hide oneself in a corner <b>leal</b> -- Loyal and honest <b>lenity</b> -- The condition or quality of being lenient; leniency <b>Lepus</b> -- A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Orion and Columba <b>letabund</b> -- Filled with joy <b>Levallois</b> -- A filet-working technique in which a flint is trimmed so that a flake of predetermined size and shape can be struck from it <b>leyden jars</b> -- An early form of capacitor consisting of a glass jar lined inside and out with tinfoil and having a conducting rod connected to the inner foil lining and passing out of the jar through an insulated stopper <b>lictor</b> -- A Roman functionary who carried fasces when attending a magistrate in public appearances <b>lief</b> -- Beloved; ready or willing <b>limerence</b> -- Puppy love; a state of mind resulting from romantic attraction, characterized by feelings of euphoria, the desire to have one's feelings reciprocated, etc <b>liminal</b> -- Intermediate between two states, conditions, or regions; transitional or indeterminate <b>lisle</b> -- A fine, smooth, tightly twisted thread spun from long-staple cotton <b>lithotomy</b> -- Surgery to remove one or more stones from an organ or duct <b>litotes</b> -- Understating by negation: no mean feat" <b>littoral</b> -- A coastal region; a shore; the region or zone between the limits of high and low tides. <b>locus</b> -- A locality; a place <b>longueur</b> -- 1. A tedious passage in a work of literature or performing art; 2. a period of time filled with boredom or tedium <b>lorgnette</b> -- A pair of eyeglasses or opera glasses mounted on a handle <b>louche</b> -- Disreputable or sordid <b>lubricious</b> -- Overtly sexual; salacious <b>lucubrations</b> -- Writing or study; meditations <b>ludic</b> -- Showing spontaneous and undirected playfulness <b>lues</b> -- Any venereal disease (e.g. Syphilis); pestilence <b>lumbago</b> -- A painful condition of the lower back, as one resulting from muscle strain or a slipped disk <b>lupanarian</b> -- Pertaining to a brothel or prostitution; characteristic of illicit sexual desire or activity. (Also, <i>lupinarian</i>) <b>lyceum</b> -- A hall in which public lectures, concerts, and similar programs are presented <b>machicolation</b> -- A projecting gallery at the top of a castle wall, supported by a row of corbels and having openings in the floor through which stones and boiling liquids could be dropped on attackers (<i>machiolate</i>: to construct machicolations) <b>macrocarpa</b> -- A large coniferous tree of New Zealand, Cupressus macrocarpa, used for shelter belts on farms and for rough timber. Also called: Monterey cypress <b>maculate</b> -- <i>(v):</i> To spot, blemish, or pollute; <i>(n):</i> 1. Spotted, blotched, or stained. 2. Morally sullied or impure <b>madding</b> -- Acting madly; frenzied <b>maenad</b> -- 1. A frenzied woman; 2. a female member of the orgiastic cult of Dionysus <b>majolica</b> -- Italian earthenware covered with an opaque glaze of tin oxide and usu. highly decorated <b>malesuete </b> -- Accustomed to poor habits <b>malversation</b> -- Misbehavior and esp. corruption in an office, trust, or commission; corrupt administration <b>mandala</b> -- Any of various designs symbolizing the universe, usually circular <b>mandamus</b> -- A writ issued by a court requiring a public official or entity to perform a duty associated with that office or entity <b>manqué</b> -- 1. Unfulfilled; potential; would-be; 2. Unfulfilled or frustrated in the realization of one's ambitions or capabilities <b>manumission</b> -- To free from slavery or bondage; emancipate <b>manumit/manumission</b> -- To set free; release from slavery <b>martingale</b> -- Part of a bridle; half-belt on the back of a coat; doubling the stakes after each loss; stability rigging for the bowsprit or jib (see <a href="">definition</a>) <b>mascon</b> -- Any of several lunar regions of high gravity <b>mattock</b> -- A digging tool with a flat blade set at right angles to the handle. <b>matutinal</b> -- Of, relating to, or occurring in the morning; early <b>megatherium</b> -- A large, extinct ground sloth that lived from the Miocene through the Pleistocene Epochs, primarily in South America. It was as large as an elephant, had long curved claws, and ate plants <b>meretricious</b> -- Gaudy <b>merkin</b> -- A pubic wig <b>merlon</b> -- The solid portion between crenels <b>mésalliance</b> -- A marriage with a person of inferior social position. <b>metempsychosis</b> -- The theory of reincarnation <b>metonym</b> -- A word used in metonymy <b>metonymy</b> -- A synonym/metaphor; e.g. “brass" for upper officers or "plastic" for credit cards; see <i>kenning</i> <b>mews</b> -- A group of buildings containing private stables that have been converted to residences <b>mezzanine</b> -- A low story between two others in a building <b>miasma</b> -- An unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere <b>micrognathia</b> -- Abnormally small jaw <b>micturition</b> -- urination; also, micturate <b>milt</b> -- The sperm-containing fluid of a male fish <b>mimetic</b> -- Of or relating to an imitation; imitative <b>minatory</b> -- Of a menacing or threatening nature; <i>minacious</i> <b>Mindanao</b> -- Second largest of the Philippine islands, NE of Borneo <b>mirabile dictu</b> -- Wonderful to relate; amazing to say <b>misfeasance</b> -- Improper and unlawful execution of an act that in itself is lawful and proper. <b>misprision</b> -- Neglect in performing the duties of public office. <b>moidore</b> -- A former Portuguese gold coin <b>moiety</b> -- One half <b>Moloch</b> -- Something possessing the power to exact severe sacrifice; a Semitic deity to whom parents sacrificed their children <b>mondegreen</b> -- Misinterpretation of song lyrics (e.g. Israeli Men" instead of "It's Raining Men")" <b>monkey-puzzle</b> -- A coniferous evergreen tree (Araucaria araucana) native to Chile and Argentina, having whorled branches covered with scalelike, overlapping, sharp-pointed leaves. <b>monomachy</b> -- Single combat, or a duel <b>Monophysite</b> -- A person who holds that there is only one nature in the person of Christ, which is primarily divine with human attributes <b>monopsony</b> -- A situation in which the entire market demand for a product or service consists of only one buyer <b>morbific</b> -- Causing disease; pathogenic <b>morganatic</b> -- A marriage between nobility and lower rank, where titles and wealth are not shared <b>morion</b> -- A crested metal helmet; black or blackish-brown smoky quartz <b>morphetic</b> -- Of or relating to sleep or dreams <b>moulinet</b> -- A circular cut or swing of the sword <b>mountebank</b> -- A flamboyant charlatan <b>mucopus</b> -- A mucopurulent discharge; a mixture of mucous material and pus. <b>mudra</b> -- Ritual hand movements in Hindu religious dancing <b>mulct</b> -- 1. To penalize by fining or demanding forfeiture; 2. to cheat or defraud <b>mulga</b> -- The outback; bush <b>mullein</b> -- Any of various Eurasian plants of the genus Verbascum of the figwort family, especially V. thapsus, naturalized in North America, having a tall spike of yellow flowers and leaves covered with dense woolly down. <b>mullet</b> -- Freshwater, spiny-finned fish <b>Munda</b> -- A family of languages spoken by scattered peoples throughout central India <b>murine</b> -- A family of rodents that includes mice and rats <b>murrain</b> -- Redwater fever, affecting livestock; a plague, epidemic or crop blight <b>muskeg</b> -- A peat bog formed by an accumulation of sphagnum moss, leaves, and decayed matter, often with scattered small trees, and found especially in northern North America. <b>musquash</b> -- Another name for muskrat <b>musth</b> -- A periodic state of heightened sexual activity and aggression in adult male elephants, characterized by the discharge of secretions from glands near the eyes and the continuous dribbling of urine. <b>mutatis mutandis</b> -- The necessary changes having been made (e.g. when applying a concept from one domain to another, e.g. maritime law to space travel) <b>myocyclonic</b> -- Of or relating to a sudden irregular twitching of muscles or parts of muscles, occurring in various brain disorders <b>myrmidon</b> -- Soldier or a subordinate civil officer who executes orders of a superior without protest or pity; -- sometimes applied to bailiffs, constables, etc. <b>mythopoeic</b> -- Serving to create or engender myths; productive in mythmaking <b>nankeen</b> -- A sturdy yellow or buff cotton cloth (or trousers made of same). <b>naphthalene</b> -- A white crystalline volatile solid with a characteristic penetrating odour: an aromatic hydrocarbon used in mothballs and in the manufacture of dyes, explosives <b>natality</b> -- Birthrate <b>natant</b> -- Floating or swimming in water <b>navvy</b> -- A laborer, esp. one employed in construction or excavation projects <b>neep</b> -- A dialect name for a turnip, chiefly British <b>nefandous</b> -- Too odious to be spoken of <b>nenuphar</b> -- Either a white or yellow water lily <b>nepenthe</b> -- Something that induces forgetfulness of sorrow or eases pain (mentioned in the <i>Odyssey</i>) <b>nephrologist</b> -- Specialist in conditions related to the kidney <b>nescience</b> -- Ignorance; absence of awareness <b>Nestorianism</b> -- The doctrine that Christ was two distinct persons, divine and human, implying a denial that the Virgin Mary was the mother of God. It is attributed to Nestorius and survives in the Iraqi Church <b>netty</b> -- A lavatory, originally an earth closet (chiefly British) <b>neuralgic</b> -- Sharp, severe paroxysmal pain extending along a nerve or group of nerves <b>niello</b> -- A black metallic alloy (sulfur and copper, silver or lead <b>nigrescent</b> -- Blackish; dark <b>noctilucent</b> -- Luminous at night <b>noddle</b> -- <i>n:</i> The head or brains, chiefly British; <i>v:</i> to nod (the head), as through drowsiness <b>noetics</b> -- The laws of logic; the science of the intellect. <b>noisome</b> -- x <b>nonplused</b> -- Filled with bewilderment <b>noosphere</b> -- The part of the biosphere that is affected by human thought, culture, and knowledge <b>nosology</b> -- The science of classification of diseases <b>numeraire</b> -- A unit or an item of commerce in which prices are measured <b>numinous</b> -- awe-inspiring, mysterious or spiritual; supernatural <b>nibble</b> -- Four bits; also <i>semi-octet</i>, <i>quadbit</i>, or <i>quartet</i>; Brit: <i>nybble</i> <b>nystagmus</b> -- A persistent, rapid, involuntary side-to-side eye movement <b>obeah</b> -- 1. A form of belief involving sorcery, practiced in parts of the West Indies, South America, the southern U.S., and Africa. 2. A fetish or charm used in practicing obeah. <b>obganiate</b> -- To annoy by repeating over and over and over and over <b>oblation</b> -- Any offering made for religious or charitable purposes (e.g. offering of the bread and wine of the Eucharist to God) <b>obloquy</b> -- 1. calumny; detractive language; 2. ill repute <b>obovate</b> -- Egg-shaped and flat, with the narrow end at the base <b>obscurantist</b> -- Practicing deliberate vagueness <b>obsidional</b> -- Relating to a siege <b>occiput</b> -- Back of the head <b>ocherous</b> -- Ocher in color (or a mineral used to make that color) <b>octarine</b> -- The Color of Magic or the King Color, the eighth color of the Discworld spectrum, visible only to wizards and cats, a greenish purple yellow color. <b>ofay</b> -- A derogatory term for a White person (see <i>cracker</i>, <i>honky</i>, <i>peckerwood</i>) <b>ogee</b> -- A double curve, resembling an S, formed by the union of a concave and a convex line (often a molding or arch in this shape) <b>ogive</b> -- A diagonal rib or groin of a Gothic vault; 2. A distribution curve in which the frequencies are cumulative <b>okrug</b> -- A type of administrative division in some Slavic-speaking states. <b>oligopsony</b> -- A market with only very few buyers <b>omphalic</b> -- Of or relating to the navel <b>omphaloskepsis</b> -- Literally, the contemplation of one's navel, which is an idiom usually meaning complacent self-absorption <b>oneiric</b> -- Dream-like <b>onomastics</b> -- The study of the etymology, history, and use of proper names <b>ontogenesis</b> -- The development of an individual organism or a part of an organism from inception to maturity. <b>ontology</b> -- The study of the essence of being <b>opprobrium</b> -- Ignominy; cause of shame or disgrace <b>opsimath</b> -- A person who learns late in life <b>optative</b> -- Indicating or expressing choice, preference, or wish <b>orgulous</b> -- Haughty; proud (<i>archaic</i>) <b>orison</b> -- A prayer, a devout petition to God or an object of worship <b>orogenesis</b> -- The process of mountain formation, esp. by a folding and faulting of the earth's crust <b>orotund</b> -- Pompous and bombastic; resonant; booming <b>orthography</b> -- The art or study of correct spelling according to established usage <b>orthophemistic</b> -- Plainly denotative; not euphemistic or dysphemistic <b>osculation</b> -- A kiss (page 332 of <i>Doctor Sleep</i>) <b>osmically</b> -- Of or relating to odors or the sense of smell <b>osteitis</b> -- Inflammation of bone or bony tissue <b>ostler</b> -- Man who looks after horses at an inn <b>otiose</b> -- Lazy; indolent; serving no useful purpose <b>otoconia</b> -- Minute calcareous particles in the gelatinous membrane surmounting the macula in the inner ear; also <i>statoconia</i>, <i>otoliths</i>, or <i>statoliths</i> <b>oviparous</b> -- Producing eggs lain outside of the body <b>paillasse</b> -- A straw-filled mat or mattress (var. of palliasse) <b>palapa</b> -- A structure, such as a bar or restaurant in a tropical resort, that is open-sided and thatched with palm leaves. <b>palimpsest</b> -- A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely scraped off or erased and often legible. <b>palingenesis</b> -- The doctrine of transmigration of souls; metempsychosis; the supposed repetition by an organism during its embryonic development of the stages in the evolution of its species, as asserted by the discredited biogenetic law <b>Palio</b> -- Italian Renaissance or Medieval festival <b>Palladian</b> -- Of, relating to, or characterized by wisdom or study <b>palliasse</b> -- A straw-filled mat or mattress (var. of paillasse) <b>palp</b> -- Either of a pair of sensory appendages that arise from the mouthparts of crustaceans and insects <b>panicle</b> -- A loosely branched inflorescence, especially a branching raceme. <b>panjandrum</b> -- A pompous self-important official or person of rank <b>pantechnicon</b> -- 1. A large van, esp. one used for furniture removals; 2. a warehouse where furniture is stored <b>pap</b> -- 1. A teat or nipple (archaic); 2. material lacking real value or substance; 3. soft or semiliquid food, as for infants <b>papillote</b> -- 1. A paper frill around cutlets; 2. cooked in oiled greaseproof paper or foil <b>pappus</b> -- A ring of fine feathery hairs surrounding the fruit in composite plants, such as the thistle; aids dispersal of the fruits by the wind <b>paraphilia</b> -- Any abnormal sexual behavior; sexual anomaly or deviation <b>parapraxis</b> -- A Freudian slip <b>paregoric</b> -- An opium derivative used to treat diarrhea <b>pareidolia</b> -- The perception of a recognizable image or meaningful pattern where none exists or is intended, as the perception of a face in the surface features of the moon. <b>paresis</b> -- Slight or partial paralysis <b>pareve</b> -- Prepared without meat, milk, or their derivatives and therefore permissible to be eaten with meat or dairy dishes according to dietary laws <b>pari passu</b> -- At an equal pace; side by side <b>parlous</b> -- full of danger or uncertainty <b>paromologia</b> -- Admitting a weaker point in order to make a stronger one. (See <i>concessio</i>.) <b>paronomasia</b> -- Pun; play on words <b>parrhesia</b> -- Boldness or frankness of speech; the act of asking forgiveness for speaking in such a way <b>parterre</b> -- A formally patterned flower garden <b>parturition</b> -- The act or process of giving birth to one or more offspring <b>parve</b> -- Containing neither meat nor milk products and so fit for use with either meat or milk dishes (from Judaism) <b>passerine</b> -- An order of birds characterized by the perching habit: includes the larks, finches, crows, thrushes, starlings, etc. <b>pastern</b> -- The part of a horse's foot between the fetlock and hoof <b>pauce</b> -- Being scarce or insufficient <b>pauldron</b> -- Shoulder protection in a suit of armor <b>pawl</b> -- A hinged or pivoted device adapted to fit into a notch of a ratchet wheel to impart forward motion or prevent backward motion. <b>peaky</b> -- Wan, emaciated, or sickly <b>peavey</b> -- An implement consisting of a wooden shaft with a metal point and a hinged hook near the end, used to handle logs. <b>peccant</b> -- Sinful; guilty; corrupt <b>peccary</b> -- A gregarious pig-like mammal that is found from the southwestern U.S. to Paraguay. (reference was “swarm […] like army ants on a drove of peccaries”.) <b>peculation</b> -- Embezzlement <b>pecuniary</b> -- Relating to money <b>pedlars</b> -- Persons who travel about the country with merchandise, for the purpose of selling it; salesmen <b>pedology</b> -- 1. The scientific study of soils, including their origins, characteristics, and uses; 2. the study of the physical and mental development and characteristics of children <b>pelf</b> -- Lucre; wealth or riches, esp. when dishonestly acquired <b>pellicle</b> -- A thin skin or membrane; film; scum <b>pellucid</b> -- Transparent or translucent <b>penectomy</b> -- Penis removal through surgery, generally for medical or personal reasons. <b>pentimento</b> -- A visible trace of earlier painting beneath a layer or layers of paint on a canvas <b>penurious</b> -- Poverty-stricken; stingy; meager <b>percale</b> -- A closely woven cotton fabric used for sheets and clothing <b>percipient</b> -- Perceptive <b>perdurable</b> -- Enduring continuously; immortal <b>perdure</b> -- To last permanently; endure <b>peremptory</b> -- Subject to no further debate or dispute; final and unassailable <b>perfervid</b> -- Extremely or extravagantly eager; impassioned or zealous. <b>perfidy</b> -- Treachery; deliberate breach of faith <b>periagua</b> -- Another name for pirogue; Also <i>piragua</i>; A canoe made from a hollowed tree trunk <b>peripatetic</b> -- Mobile on foot; an itinerant <b>periphrastic</b> -- The use of circumlocution. A roundabout way of expressing something. <b>peristalsis</b> -- The wavelike muscular contractions of the digestive tract or other tubular structures by which contents are forced onward toward the opening <b>perseverate</b> -- To repeat a word, gesture, or act insistently or redundantly <b>persiflage</b> -- Banter; small-talk <b>perspicacious</b> -- Acutely perceptive or discerning <b>perspicuous</b> -- Clearly expressed or presented; lucid <b>pertinacious</b> -- Tenacious <b>pessary</b> -- A device for inserting into the vagina, either as a support for the uterus or (diaphragm pessary) to deliver a drug, such as a contraceptive <b>petecure</b> -- Modest cooking; cooking on a small scale; the opposite of <i>epicure</i> <b>petitio principii</b> -- A form of fallacious reasoning in which the conclusion has been assumed in the premises; begging the question <b>petrichor</b> -- The distinctive smell given off by earth, rock, or pavement at the beginning of a rain after a period of warm, dry weather. <b>Petronius</b> -- Roman courtier who is credited with writing the Satyricon <b>pettifogging</b> -- 1. Dishonest or unethical in insignificant matters; meanly petty; mean; quibbling; 2. to engage in legal chicanery <b>pettish</b> -- Ill-tempered; peevish (see <i>shirty</i>) <b>phaeton</b> -- A light, four-wheeled open carriage, usually drawn by a pair of horses <b>phalanstery</b> -- A self-sustaining cooperative community of the followers of Fourierism. Also called phalanx, or the buildings in such a community <b>pharisaic</b> -- Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Pharisees <b>philippic</b> -- A verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, often insulting language; a tirade <b>phillumenist</b> -- A person who collects matchbox labels <b>philogynist</b> -- A lover or friend of women; one who esteems woman as the higher type of humanity; antonym of <i>misogynist</i> <b>phimosis</b> -- An abnormal constriction of the foreskin that prevents it from being drawn back to uncover the glans penis. <b>phlebotomy</b> -- The act or practice of opening a vein to let or draw blood as a therapeutic or diagnostic measure <b>phlegmatic</b> -- Having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament; unemotional or apathetic <b>Phoebus</b> -- The sun <b>phthisis</b> -- A disease characterized by the wasting away or atrophy of the body or a part of the body (e.g. pulmonary tuberculosis) <b>phylactery</b> -- 1. A reminder or aid to remembering; 2. an amulet or charm (archaic); 3. either of the pair of blackened square cases containing parchments inscribed with biblical passages, bound by leather thongs to the head and left arm, and worn by Jewish men during weekday morning prayers (also called: <i>Tefillah</i>) <b>phylogenetic</b> -- The evolutionary development and history of a species or trait of a species or of a higher taxonomic grouping of organisms <b>piacular</b> -- Making expiation for sacrilege; wicked <b>pibroch</b> -- A series of variations on a martial theme or traditional dirge for the highland bagpipes. <b>pied-à-terre</b> -- A secondary or temporary place of lodging. <b>pilchard</b> -- A small, S European marine fish, Sardina pilchardus, related to the herring but smaller and rounder <b>pillock</b> -- A stupid or annoying person (chiefly British) <b>pinchbeck</b> -- Appearing valuable, but actually cheap and tawdry <b>pinnace</b> -- Any of various kinds of ship's tender or boat <b>piquant</b> -- Pleasantly sharp taste <b>pirogue</b> -- Any of various kinds of dugout canoes; also called <i>piragua</i> <b>piscatorial</b> -- Of or relating to fish, fishing, or fishermen <b>pistic</b> -- Referring to or having a pure and genuine faith. <b>plangent</b> -- Loud and resounding <b>plastron</b> -- 1. A metal breastplate worn under a coat of mail; 2. a quilted pad worn by fencers to protect the torso and side; 3. The front of a man's dress shirt; 4. the ventral part of the shell of a turtle or tortoise <b>pleach</b> -- To plait or interlace (branches or vines, for example), esp. in making a hedge or an arbor (similar to <i>caning</i> for making chairs from same) <b>pleiotropy</b> -- The phenomenon of one gene affecting more than one phenotypic characteristic <b>plenteous</b> -- Ample; abundant; copious <b>pleonasm</b> -- A newly created word <b>pleroma</b> -- The state of total fullness or abundance, relating particularly to the nature of God <b>pleura</b> -- A thin serous membrane in mammals that envelops each lung and folds back to make a lining for the chest cavity <b>pleurisy</b> -- Inflammation of the pleura, characterized by pain that is aggravated by deep breathing or coughing <b>Plimsoll mark</b> -- A load line painted on the side of a cargo ship <b>plinth</b> -- A block or slab on which a pedestal, column, or statue is placed <b>plover</b> -- Any shore bird of the family Charadriidae, typically having a round head, straight bill, and large pointed wings <b>poetaster</b> -- A writer of insignificant, meretricious, or shoddy poetry <b>poleaxe</b> -- <i>(n):</i> An axe having a hammer face opposite the blade, used to slaughter cattle; <i>v:</i> To strike or fell with or as if with a poleaxe <b>poleyn</b> -- Knee protection in a suit of armor <b>polygyny</b> -- The condition or practice of having more than one wife at one time <b>polymath</b> -- A person of great or varied learning <b>pomace</b> -- The pulpy material remaining after the juice has been pressed from fruit, such as apples or grapes. Also called <i>marc</i> <b>pomaceous</b> -- Of, relating to, bearing, or characteristic of pomes, especially apples. <b>poignard</b> -- See <i>poniard</i> <b>poniard</b> -- 1. A small, slender dagger; 2. a dagger typically having a slender three- or four-sided blade <b>poplin</b> -- A ribbed fabric of silk, rayon, wool, or cotton, used in making clothing and upholstery <b>posset</b> -- A drink of hot milk curdled with ale, beer, etc, flavoured with spices, formerly used as a remedy for colds <b>postern</b> -- Secondary door or gate in a fortification such as a city wall or castle curtain wall <b>postillion</b> -- A person who guides a horse-drawn coach or post chaise while mounted on the horse or one of a pair of horses. By contrast, a coachman controls the horses from the vehicle itself. <b>potash</b> -- Potassium carbonate, esp. the crude impure form obtained from wood ashes. <b>pothouse</b> -- A small tavern or pub (chiefly British) <b>potsherd</b> -- A broken pottery fragment, esp. one of archaeological value <b>prang</b> -- 1. An accident or crash in an aircraft, car, etc; 2. to bomb from the air <b>prattlement</b> -- Chatter, prattling <b>precatory</b> -- Relating to or expressing entreaty or supplication. Relating to prayer. <b>prefatory</b> -- Of, relating to, or constituting a preface <b>prelapsarian</b> -- Of or relating to the period before the fall of Adam and Eve <b>premonitory</b> -- Giving premonition; serving to warn beforehand <b>prepossession</b> -- A prejudice or bias, esp. a favorable one <b>presbyopia</b> -- A progressively diminishing ability of the eye to focus, noticeable from middle to old age, caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens <b>prescind</b> -- To separate in thought; abstract. <b>preterite</b> -- 1. Bygone; former 2. A tense of verbs used to relate past action, formed in English by inflection of the verb, as jumped, swam <b>primogeniture</b> -- The state of being the firstborn or eldest child of the same parents. <b>primus inter pares</b> -- Literally (in Latin), first among equals <b>procumbent</b> -- 1. Lying face down; prone. 2. In botany: trailing along the ground but not rooting <b>prodrome</b> -- An early symptom indicating the onset of an attack or a disease. <b>profligate</b> -- 1. Shamelessly immoral or debauched; 2. wildly extravagant or wasteful <b>progeria</b> -- A rare genetic disorder of childhood that is characterized by rapid onset of the physical changes typical of old age, usually resulting in death before the age of 20 <b>prolegomenon</b> -- A preliminary discussion, especially a formal essay introducing a work of considerable length or complexity <b>proleptic</b> -- 1. The anachronistic representation of something as existing before its proper or historical time, as in <i>the precolonial United States</i>; 2. the use of a descriptive word in anticipation of the act or circumstances that would make it applicable, as <i>dry</i> in <i>They drained the lake dry</i> <b>prolix</b> -- Tediously prolonged; wordy; longwinded <b>prone</b> -- Lying flat or face downwards; prostrate <b>propaedeutic</b> -- Providing introductory instruction; preparatory instruction <b>propinquitous</b> -- Near; close in time, place or kinship (page 12 of <i>Main Street</i>) <b>propitious</b> -- Favorable; auguring well; gracious or favorably inclined <b>proprioception</b> -- Unconscious awareness of body movement, e.g. as the inner ear for balance (page 515 of <i>Reamde</i>) <b>proscenium</b> -- The area of a modern theater that is located between the curtain and the orchestra. <b>prosector</b> -- A person who prepares or dissects anatomical subjects for demonstration <b>prosopagnosia</b> -- An inability to recognize faces <b>prosopography</b> -- 1. description of a person's life and career; 2. A study, often using statistics, that identifies and draws relationships between various characters or people within a specific historical, social, or literary context <b>prosopopoeia</b> -- Literary device involve an absent person speaking; personification; ascribing agency to an inanimate object or concept <b>protasis</b> -- The dependent clause of a conditional sentence (i.e. the “if” part) <b>protodialectical</b> -- Definition unknown (from <i>Oblivion</i> by David Foster Wallace) (<i>dialectical</i> means “the art or practice of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments”) <b>psalmody</b> -- The act of singing psalms or hymns <b>psephology</b> -- The study of political elections and polling <b>psithurism</b> -- The whispering of leaves moved by the wind <b>psittacosis</b> -- A rickettsial disease affecting birds of the parrot family, pigeons, and domestic fowl, caused by the chlamydia Chlamydia psittaci and transmissible to humans <b>psychogenic</b> -- Having origin in the mind or in a mental condition or process <b>ptosis</b> -- Ptosis is the term used for a drooping upper eyelid <b>puericratic</b> -- [definition unknown] (from <i>Oblivion</i> by David Foster Wallace) <b>pugnacious</b> -- Combative in nature <b>pulchritude</b> -- Beauty <b>pullulate</b> -- To breed rapidly or abundantly <b>pulsion</b> -- The act of driving forward <b>punctilio</b> -- A fine point of etiquette <b>punnet</b> -- A small basket for fruit, such as strawberries <b>purblind</b> -- 1. Slow in understanding or discernment; dull 2. Having poor vision; nearly or partly blind <b>purdah</b> -- Muslim practice of screening women from other men or strangers <b>purlieus</b> -- An outlying or neighboring area; outskirts; environs <b>purslane</b> -- A trailing plant (Portulaca oleracea) native to Eurasia, having small yellow flowers, reddish stems, and fleshy obovate leaves that can be cooked as a vegetable or used in salads <b>purulent</b> -- Containing, discharging, or causing the production of pus <b>pusillanimous</b> -- Cowardly <b>putto</b> -- A representation of a small child, often naked and having wings, used especially in the art of the European Renaissance. Pl.: putti <b>pyaemia</b> -- Blood poisoning characterized by pus-forming microorganisms in the blood <b>quadrille</b> -- A square dance in 6/8 or 2/4 time of French origin, composed of five sections and performed by four couples. <b>quag</b> -- To shake (said of something that is soft or flabby) <b>quarto</b> -- The page size obtained by folding a whole sheet into four leaves. <b>quern</b> -- A simple hand mill for grinding grain, typically consisting of two stones <b>quiddity</b> -- 1. Essence of a thing; 2. a quibble <b>quidnunc</b> -- Busybody; Yenta <b>quiff</b> -- 1. A tuft of hair, esp. a forelock; 2. A woman regarded as promiscuous <b>quinquennial</b> -- Happening once every or lasting for five years. <b>quintain</b> -- A rotating target used in jousting exercises <b>quire</b> -- A set of twenty-four uniform sheets of paper <b>quirt</b> -- A riding whip with a short, stiff handle and a lash made of two or more loose thongs <b>quit-rent</b> -- Payment for distinct rights that were connected with the full enjoyment of the land but not parceled up in the ownership of the land (mostly replaced with property taxes today) <b>quoin</b> -- An exterior angle of a wall or other piece of masonry <b>quokka</b> -- A short-tailed herbivorous marsupial (<i>Setonix brachyurus</i>) found in coastal areas of southwestAustralia <b>quondam</b> -- Former <b>raceme</b> -- A flower cluster in which each flower grows on its own stalk from a common stem. The lily of the valley and snapdragon have racemes. <b>racketeering</b> -- A person who engages in an illegal business or other organized illegal activities <b>raddled</b> -- Twisted together; interwoven <b>radome</b> -- A domelike shell transparent to radio-frequency radiation, used to house a radar antenna <b>raillery</b> -- Good-natured teasing or ridicule; banter <b>ramify</b> -- To have complicating consequences or outgrowths; to send out branches or subordinate branchlike parts. <b>ramose</b> -- Having many branches <b>ravel</b> -- 1. To separate the fibers or threads of; to unravel; 2. To tangle or complicate <b>rawboned</b> -- Having a lean, gaunt frame with prominent bones <b>Reaumur</b> -- <i>archaic</i>: a temperature scale with the freezing point of water at 80º. <b>rebarbative</b> -- Tending to irritate; repellent <b>rebeck</b> -- Medieval instrument; a lute-like violin <b>recondite</b> -- Obscure; abstruse <b>recreant</b> -- 1. A faithless or disloyal person; 2. A coward <b>recrudescent</b> -- To break out anew or come into renewed activity, as after a period of quiescence <b>recumbentibus</b> -- A knockdown blow <b>redolent</b> -- Suggestive <b>reef</b> -- A vein of ore <b>relict</b> -- 1. Something that has survived; a remnant 2. A species that inhabits a much smaller geographic area than it did in the past, often because of environmental change <b>reliquary</b> -- A receptacle, such as a coffer or shrine, for keeping or displaying sacred relics <b>renascent</b> -- Becoming active or vigorous again <b>reperfusion</b> -- The restoration of blood flow to an organ or tissue that has had its blood supply cut off, as after a heart attack. <b>repine</b> -- To be discontented or low in spirits; complain or fret; to yearn after something <b>retromingent</b> -- One who urinates backwards <b>retronym</b> -- A new word coined for an existing or older thing to distinguish it from something newer or more recent (e.g. <i>analog watch</i> or <i>electric guitar</i>) <b>retropulsion</b> -- An abnormal tendency to walk backwards: a symptom of Parkinson's disease <b>revanchism</b> -- The act of retaliating, esp. by a nation or group to regain lost territory or standing; revenge <b>revenant</b> -- 1. One that returns after a lengthy absence; 2. One who returns after death <b>revetments</b> -- 1. A facing, as of masonry, used to support an embankment; 2. A barricade against explosives <b>Rhadamanthine</b> -- Strictly and uncompromisingly just <b>rhonchus</b> -- A snore or chest rattle <b>rhotacism</b> -- Difficulty pronouncing r sounds <b>riprap</b> -- Piled broken stones used as a foundation or to stabilize an easily eroded bank or slope <b>risible</b> -- 1. Eliciting laughter; ludicrous 2. capable of laughing or inclined to laugh <b>Risorgimento</b> -- The period of or the movement for the liberation and political unification of Italy, beginning about 1750 and lasting until 1870 (from the Italian for “resurgence”) <b>roman à clef</b> -- A novel in which actual persons, places, or events are depicted in fictional guise <b>rosser</b> -- A bark-removing machine <b>rota</b> -- A work schedule <b>roué</b> -- A man who recklessly indulges in sensual pleasures; a rake <b>roundel</b> -- A circular architectural or decorative element, such as a painted panel or a stained glass window. <b>roundelay</b> -- A poem or song with a regularly recurring refrain (as much popular music) <b>rumbustiousness</b> -- Uncontrollably exuberant; unruly <b>Ruritanian</b> -- Of or relating to an imagined European kingdom characterized by provincialism, nationalism, and political intrigue; used in discussions of international law or economic theory <b>rusk</b> -- A light, soft-textured sweetened biscuit <b>sabine</b> -- A member of an ancient people of central Italy, conquered and assimilated by the Romans in 290 bc. <b>Sadhu</b> -- A person who dedicates themself to the pursuit of enlightenment through a life of isolation, self-deprivation, and feats of physical endurance. <b>Saiva</b> -- One who worships Shiva <b>sacerdotalism</b> -- The belief that priests act as mediators between God and humans. <b>Salesian</b> -- Of or relating to St Francis of Sales or to the religious orders founded by him or by St John Bosco in his name <b>salmagundi</b> -- A mixture; a potpourri <b>saltire</b> -- A cross in heraldry <b>saltpeter</b> -- Naturally occurring potassium nitrate, used in making fireworks, gunpowder <b>salubrious</b> -- Wholesome; healthy <b>salvific</b> -- Having the intention or power to bring about salvation or redemption <b>salwar</b> -- Loose pajamalike pants, typically having a drawstring waist and legs that narrow at the bottom, usually worn with a kameez <b>samizdat</b> -- Underground newspaper (from the Russian) <b>samphire</b> -- An edible coastal plant (<i>Crithmum maritimum</i>) in the parsley family, native to Eurasia (see <i>glasswort</i>) <b>samsara</b> -- The eternal cycle of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth (in Hinduism or Buddhism) <b>sanguine</b> -- Cheerfully optimistic <b>sanicle</b> -- Any plant belonging to the genus Sanicula, of the parsley family, as S. marilandica, of North America, used in medicine. <b>sapper</b> -- 1. A military engineer who lays, detects, and disarms mines; 2. a soldier who digs trenches <b>Sapphism</b> -- Lesbianism <b>Sassanian</b> -- Of or relating to a Persian dynasty (AD 224-651) and the last line of Persian kings before the Arab conquest. <b>sastrugi</b> -- A long wavelike ridge of snow, formed by the wind and found on the polar plains <b>satori</b> -- A spiritual awakening sought in Zen Buddhism, often coming suddenly <b>satrap</b> -- Governor of a province in ancient Persia <b>satrapy</b> -- The territory or sphere under the rule of a satrap <b>satsuma</b> -- A seedless mandarin orange originally cultivated in Japan. <b>saturnine</b> -- Slow and gloomy; morose <b>sawyer</b> -- A bobbing tree in a body of water <b>scansion</b> -- Analysis of verse into metrical patterns. <b>scapular</b> -- A monk's sleeveless outer garment that hangs from the shoulders and sometimes has a cowl <b>schtum</b> -- Silent (from the German <i>stumm</i>) <b>sciatheric</b> -- Belonging to a sundial <b>scienter</b> -- Knowledge that one's actions are wrong or contrary to law, where such knowledge is an element of a criminal offense or a basis for liability. <b>sciolist</b> -- A pretentious attitude of scholarship; superficial knowledgeability <b>scordatura</b> -- The technique of altering the normal tuning of a stringed instrument to produce particular effects. <b>scoria</b> -- Porous cinderlike fragments of dark lava. Also called cinders, slag <b>scoriatic</b> -- Cinder- or slag-like; rocky, craggy <b>scotophliic</b> -- Functioning best in darkness <b>scourge</b> -- A whip or lash <b>scramasax</b> -- A single-edged knife or sword used by the Anglo-Saxons <b>scringe</b> -- To shrug the back or shoulders from cold <b>scripturient</b> -- Having a strong urge to write <b>scrouge</b> -- To inconvenience or discomfort a person by pressing against him or her or by standing too close <b>searce</b> -- To sift (obsolete) <b>sebum</b> -- The semifluid secretion of the sebaceous glands, consisting chiefly of fat, keratin, and cellular material <b>secondment</b> -- Temporary transfer to another position or employment <b>sedulously</b> -- Assiduous; constant in effort; persevering (from <i>A very short history of driving while black</i>) <b>seigneur</b> -- A man of rank, esp. a feudal lord in the ancien régime <b>seigniorage</b> -- Revenue or a profit taken from the minting of coins <b>seine</b> -- A fishing net or the act of using one (page 653 of <i>Reamde</i>) <b>semiotics</b> -- The study of systems of communication <b>sempiternal</b> -- Infinite; enduring forever <b>sempstress</b> -- A rare word for seamstress <b>seneschal</b> -- A steward or major-domo (in charge of servants) <b>sententious</b> -- Given to moralizing in a pompous or affected manner <b>septentrional</b> -- Of the north; Germanic; used mostly on maps <b>sepulchritude</b> -- Tomb-like; also, sepulchral <b>sequacious</b> -- Unthinking and uncritical; slavish <b>sequela</b> -- A secondary consequence or result; condition resulting from a disease <b>serotype</b> -- A group of closely related microorganisms distinguished by a characteristic set of antigens <b>sesquipedalian</b> -- Given to using long words <b>shako</b> -- A stiff, cylindrical military dress hat with a metal plate or badge in front, a short visor, and a plume or pompom <b>sheela na gig</b> -- Figurative carvings of naked women displaying an exaggerated vulva. <b>shibboleth</b> -- 1. An inappropriate or outdated custom; 2. A word or pronunciation that distinguishes people of one group or class from those of another <b>shiplap</b> -- Wooden siding rabbeted so that the edge of one board overlaps the one next to it in a flush joint. <b>shirty</b> -- Ill-tempered; angry <b>shockheaded</b> -- Having a head of bushy or tousled hair <b>shotcrete</b> -- Concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface. <b>shufti</b> -- A quick look around <b>sibilent</b> -- Hissing sound <b>sine qua non</b> -- An essential element or condition <b>singultus</b> -- A hiccup <b>skittles</b> -- Nine-pin bowling <b>slub</b> -- A soft thick nub in yarn that is either an imperfection or purposely set for a desired effect. <b>slunk</b> -- A prematurely born calf or other animal <b>snarge</b> -- A collision of an aircraft with a bird (or the remnants thereof) <b>soca</b> -- A style of music, originating in the West Indies, that is a blend of soul and calypso <b>sociolects</b> -- A language variety that is associated with a specific social group (e.g. a profession-specific argot) <b>sockdolager</b> -- Something outstanding; a final blow or remark, coup de grace <b>sodality</b> -- Fellowship; fraternity; association; society <b>sonic</b> -- Relating to or containing sodium <b>soi-disant</b> -- Self-styled; so-called <b>solastalgia</b> -- A form of emotional or existential distress caused by environmental change <b>solecism</b> -- A grammatical error; more generously, a non-standard usage <b>solon</b> -- A legislator <b>somatically</b> -- Corporeal or physical; of, relating to, or affecting the body, esp. as distinguished from a body part, the mind, or the environment <b>somaticize</b> -- To convert (anxiety) into physical symptoms. <b>sommian</b> -- A volcanic caldera that has been partially filled by a new central cone <b>soteriological</b> -- The branch of theology dealing with the nature and means of salvation. <b>soviet</b> -- One of the popularly elected legislative assemblies that were created after the Russian Revolution (1917) and existed at local, regional, and national levels in the former Soviet Union. <b>sozzled</b> -- Intoxicated; drunk <b>spadix</b> -- A fleshy clublike spike bearing minute flowers, usually enclosed within a sheathlike spathe, characteristic of aroid plants such as the jack-in-the-pulpit <b>spall</b> -- A chip, fragment, or flake from a piece of stone or ore <b>spanandry</b> -- Scarcity of males in a population. <b>spandrel</b> -- The roughly triangular space between the left or right exterior curve of an arch and the rectangular framework surrounding it. <b>sparge</b> -- 1. To spray or sprinkle; 2. To run additional water through (a partly or completely drained mash) to extract more fermentable sugars; 3. To introduce air or gas into (a liquid) <b>spatchcock</b> -- To prepare for roasting or grilling by splitting open <b>spathe</b> -- A leaflike bract that encloses or subtends a flower cluster or spadix, as in the jack-in-the-pulpit <b>spatterdashes</b> -- Long leather leggings worn in the 18th century, as to protect from mud when riding <b>spavined</b> -- Decrepit or worn out <b>speculum</b> -- 1. A mirror or polished metal plate used as a reflector in optical instruments; 2. An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination; 3. A bright, often iridescent patch of color on the wings of certain birds, esp. ducks 4. A transparent spot in the wings of some butterflies or moths. <b>spinel</b> -- A hard, glassy mineral composed of magnesium-aluminum oxide found in metamorphosed limestones and many basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks <b>spinet</b> -- A small, compact upright piano <b>spitchcock</b> -- An eel split and grilled or fried; see <i>spatchcock</i> <b>sporran</b> -- A leather or fur pouch worn at the front of the kilt in the traditional dress of men of the Scottish Highlands <b>sprezzatura</b> -- Studied nonchalance; graceful conduct or performance without apparent effort <b>sprue</b> -- 1. The hole through which molten material is channeled into a mold; 2. The usually plastic rod or framework that secures molded objects, such as model parts <b>squamous</b> -- Covered with or formed of scales; scaly <b>squiffy</b> -- Intoxicated; drunk <b>squireen</b> -- A pretty squire <b>staggers</b> -- Any of various diseases in animals, esp. horses, cattle, or other domestic animals, that are characterized by a lack of coordination in moving <b>stele</b> -- An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface, used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building. <b>stenosis</b> -- A constriction or narrowing of a duct or passage; a stricture. <b>stochastic</b> -- Of, relating to, or characterized by conjecture; Involving or containing a random variable or process <b>stolon</b> -- A long thin stem that usually grows horizontally along the ground and produces roots and shoots at widely spaced nodes, as in a strawberry plant. Also called <i>runner</i>. <b>stook</b> -- A group of sheaves of grain stood on end in a field <b>stot</b> -- To jump straight up with straight legs (e.g. antelope) <b>stoush</b> -- A fight or brawl <b>strabismus</b> -- The condition of being cross-eyed <b>strath</b> -- A strath is a large valley, typically a river valley that is wide and shallow <b>Strega</b> -- The Italian word for witch <b>stridulate</b> -- To produce a shrill grating, chirping, or hissing sound by rubbing body parts together, as certain insects do <b>stroppy</b> -- Bad-tempered and argumentative <b>stylobate</b> -- The immediate foundation of a row of classical columns <b>suasion</b> -- Persuasion <b>subaltern</b> -- A person of inferior rank or position <b>subfusc</b> -- 1. Of a dark, dull, or somber color; 2. Dark, dull clothing. <b>subtiliation</b> -- 1. The act of making something thin, rare, or subtile; 2. To think subtly <b>succussation</b> -- Trotting, shaking <b>Suetonius</b> -- Roman historian whose major work, Lives of the Caesars, is an account of the lives of the first 12 Roman emperors <b>sui generis</b> -- Unique <b>Sukkot</b> -- A harvest festival commemorating the booths in which the Israelites resided during their 40 years in the wilderness <b>sumptuary</b> -- Laws or limits on private expenses <b>supererogation</b> -- Doing more than required <b>supernacular</b> -- First-rate <b>supernumerary</b> -- 1. One that is in excess of the regular, necessary, or usual number; 2. An actor without a speaking part, as one who appears in a crowd scene. <b>supersedure</b> -- Replacement of an old or diseased queen bee with a new one. <b>supine</b> -- Lying on the back or having the face upward <b>surfactant</b> -- A substance, such as detergent, that is added to a liquid to increase its ability to spread. <b>sweetmeat</b> -- A sweet delicacy, such as a piece of candy or crystallized fruit <b>swingeing</b> -- Extreme in effect; drastic <b>swot</b> -- To cram; derogatory term for a person who crams <b>syce</b> -- A stableman or groom, esp. in India <b>syenite</b> -- An igneous rock composed primarily of alkali feldspar together with other minerals, such as hornblende <b>syllepsis</b> -- See <i>zeugma</i> <b>sylph</b> -- A slim, graceful woman or girl. <b>sympatetic </b> -- A walking companion <b>syncope</b> -- 1. The shortening of a word by omission of a sound, letter, or syllable from the middle of the word; for example, bos'n for boatswain.2. A brief loss of consciousness caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain. <b>syncretic</b> -- 1. Reconciliation or fusion of differing systems of belief, as in philosophy or religion, esp. when success is partial or the result is heterogeneous; 2. The merging of two or more originally different inflectional forms in linguistics. <b>synecdoche</b> -- A trope whereby a part is used as a label for the whole (e.g. "hand" for "sailor"); see <i>metonymy</i> <b>tabard</b> -- A tunic or capelike garment worn by a knight over his armor and emblazoned with his coat of arms <b>tabes</b> -- A wasting of a bodily organ or part <b>tacenda</b> -- Things not to be mentioned; matters that are passed over in silence <b>tallboy</b> -- A high chest of drawers made in two sections and placed one on top of the other; chest-on-chest <b>talmudic</b> -- Related to the collection of ancient Rabbinic writings constituting the basis of religious authority in Orthodox Judaism <b>tamarisk</b> -- Any shrub or small tree having small scalelike or needle-shaped leaves and feathery racemes of small white or pinkish flowers <b>tangible</b> -- Discernible by the touch; palpable <b>taphonomic</b> -- The study of the events and processes, such as burial in sediment, transportation, and decomposition, that affect the remains of an organism after it dies. <b>tapotement</b> -- Rapid massage <b>tarpon</b> -- Either of two large marine game fishes having a bluish-green back and silvery sides (Megalops cyprinoides of the Pacific and Indian Oceans or M. atlanticus of Atlantic coastal waters) <b>Tartaros</b> -- The abysmal regions below Hades where the Titans were confined. <b>tegument</b> -- A natural outer covering; an integument <b>Telemachus</b> -- The son of Odysseus and Penelope, who helped his father kill Penelope's suitors <b>teleology</b> -- The philosophical interpretation of natural phenomena as exhibiting purpose or design <b>telluric</b> -- Of or relating to Earth; terrestrial <b>telluride</b> -- A chemical compound of tellurium and another element. <b>telos</b> -- End of a goal-oriented process <b>temerarious</b> -- In an audacious manner <b>tempera</b> -- A painting medium in which pigment is mixed with water-soluble glutinous materials such as size or egg yolk <b>tendentious</b> -- Partisan; marked by or favoring a particular point of view <b>tenebrous</b> -- Dark and gloomy <b>tensegrity</b> -- An architectural technique that involves tensional integrity or floating compression (see <a href="">Wikipedia</a>) <b>tephra</b> -- Solid matter that is ejected into the air by an erupting volcano <b>tergiversate</b> -- To use evasions or ambiguities; to evade, to equivocate using subterfuge; to deliberately obfuscate. <b>termagant</b> -- A scold; a shrew <b>thaumaturgic</b> -- The working of miracles or magic feats <b>theodicy</b> -- A vindication of God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil <b>theodolite</b> -- A surveying instrument <b>theophany</b> -- An appearance of a god to a human; a divine manifestation <b>theriac</b> -- An ointment or potion of varying composition, used as an antidote to a poison <b>throstle</b> -- 1. Any of various thrushes, esp. a song thrush; 2. A machine formerly used for spinning fibers such as cotton or wool <b>thurible</b> -- A censer used in certain ecclesiastical ceremonies or liturgies <b>thylacine</b> -- Tasmanian tiger; an extinct or very rare doglike carnivorous marsupial <b>tilth</b> -- 1. Tilled earth; 2. The fitness of soil for cultivation, as measured by its structure and composition. <b>tippet</b> -- A scarf-like narrow piece of clothing, worn over the shoulders <b>tipstaff</b> -- 1. A staff tipped with metal, formerly carried as a badge of office, as by a constable; 2. any official who carried such a staff <b>titivate</b> -- To decorate or spruce up <b>tittle</b> -- 1. A small diacritic mark, such as an accent, vowel mark, or dot over an i. 2. The tiniest bit; an iota <b>tocsin</b> -- An alarm sounded on a bell <b>tontine</b> -- A common fund with increasing annuity for each member's death and the last living member gets everything <b>toothsome</b> -- Delicious, luscious, pleasant, attractive, sexually attractive or exciting <b>topolect</b> -- The language or speech of a particular place (e.g. Züridütsch) <b>torpid</b> -- Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic <b>torrid</b> -- 1. Parched with the heat of the sun; intensely hot; 2. Passionate; ardent <b>tosh</b> -- Rubbish; nonsense <b>tournure</b> -- Implement to expand a dress; a bustle <b>towhee</b> -- A strikingly marked, oversized sparrow of the East, feathered in bold black and warm reddish-browns <b>toxophily</b> -- Archery; <i>toxophilite</i>: A student or lover of archery <b>tracklement</b> -- Savory jelly served with meat <b>traduction</b> -- A transmission or communication; a translation into a different language <b>transducer</b> -- Any device, such as a microphone or electric motor, that converts one form of energy into another <b>tref</b> -- Unfit to be eaten; not <i>kosher</i> (corresponds to <i>haram</i> or not <i>halal</i> in Islam) <b>trenchant</b> -- Clear-cut; forceful or convincing <b>trepidation</b> -- A state of alarm or dread; apprehension <b>tressure</b> -- A narrow inner border on a shield, usually decorated with fleurs-de-lys <b>trews</b> -- Trousers; chiefly British <b>tricontagon</b> -- A closed plane figure bounded by three or more line segments. <b>tripe</b> -- Something of no value; rubbish <b>trope</b> -- Metaphor or non-literal figure of speech <b>trow</b> -- To think or suppose <b>truckle</b> -- 1. A small wheel/caster; 2. to be servile <b>truckling</b> -- To be servile or submissive <b>trug</b> -- A shallow, usually oval gardening basket made with wide strips of wood <b>trull</b> -- A woman prostitute. <b>trypophobia</b> -- An intense, irrational fear of objects with small holes <b>tsuris</b> -- Problems or difficulties (Yiddish) <b>tumid</b> -- 1. Swollen; distended. Used of a body part or organ; 2. Of a bulging shape; protuberant; 3. Overblown; bombastic <b>tumulus</b> -- An ancient grave mound; a barrow (pl. tumuli) <b>turnkey</b> -- Supplied, installed, or purchased in a condition ready for immediate use, occupation, or operation <b>tutoyer</b> -- To speak to (someone) on familiar terms <b>tympany</b> -- Excessive pride or arrogance; inflated manner or style; bombast. <b>ukase</b> -- An authoritative order or decree; an edict <b>ultracrepidarianism</b> -- The habit of giving opinions and advice on matters outside of one’s knowledge or competence. <b>unasinous</b> -- Sharing the same amount of stupidity; displaying ignorance or foolishness by all. <b>unction</b> -- Something that serves to soothe; a balm <b>unctuous</b> -- Excessively ingratiating or insincerely earnest; oily <b>undecillion</b> -- The cardinal number equal to 10<sup>36</sup>; British: 10<sup>66</sup> <b>undisonant</b> -- Making the sound of waves <b>usquebaugh</b> -- Whiskey <b>usufruct</b> -- Right to use the property of others <b>uxorious</b> -- Love of or submission to one's wife <b>vade mecum</b> -- 1. A useful thing that one constantly carries about; 2. A book, such as a guidebook, for ready reference. <b>vair</b> -- Red-squirrel fur; often used a trimming <b>valetudinarian</b> -- 1. Chronically ailing; sickly; 2. Constantly and morbidly concerned with one's health <b>vambrace</b> -- Forearm armor <b>vastation</b> -- Quick destruction; from the Italian <i>vastare</i>. <b>vatic</b> -- Of or characteristic of a prophet; oracular (see <i>veridical</i>) <b>vecturist</b> -- A collector of tokens used in buses and subways <b>veisalgia</b> -- A hangover (from the Norwegian for “suffering after debauchery”) <b>vellum</b> -- A fine parchment made from calfskin, lambskin, or kidskin and used for the pages and binding of books <b>venal</b> -- Open to bribery; mercenary <b>venery</b> -- The indulgence in or pursuit of sexual activity <b>venire</b> -- The panel of prospective jurors from which a jury is selected <b>venule</b> -- A small vein, especially one joining capillaries to larger veins. <b>verdigris</b> -- A green patina or crust of copper sulfate or copper chloride formed on copper, brass, and bronze exposed to air or seawater for long periods of time <b>veridical</b> -- 1. Truthful; veracious; 2. Coinciding with future events or apparently unknowable present realities (see <i>vatic</i>) <b>verisimilitude</b> -- Believable; appearing to be true <b>vermian</b> -- Resembling or of the nature of a worm; of or relating to worms. <b>vermilion</b> -- Brilliant or vivid red (also written <i>vermillion</i>) <b>vernacular</b> -- 1. The everyday language spoken by a people as distinguished from the literary language 2. Built in the local style of ordinary houses, rather than a grand architectural style <b>versipellous</b> -- Changeable, protean <b>vesicle</b> -- A sac or cyst, esp. one containing fluid <b>vespertine</b> -- Of, relating to, or occurring in the evening (e.g. active or blooming in the evening) <b>vetch</b> -- Any of several climbing plants of the legume family, bearing pea-like flowers <b>vicambulist</b> -- One who walks about in the streets <b>vicissitude</b> -- Alternation between opposite or contrasting things <b>vigorish</b> -- 1. A fee charged for the placement of bets by an illegal gambling broker or establishment; 2. Frequent and excessive interest payments charged by an illegal moneylender <b>villein</b> -- One of a class of feudal serfs who held the legal status of freemen in their dealings with all people except their lord <b>vinous</b> -- 1. Of, relating to, or made with wine; 2. Having the color of wine <b>violaceous</b> -- Of a violet color; reddish blue <b>virago</b> -- 1. A woman regarded as noisy, scolding, or domineering; 2. A large, strong, courageous woman <b>vitiate</b> -- Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of <b>voivode</b> -- A Slavic military commander or a governor of a town or province in parts of SE Europe <b>volvulus</b> -- Abnormal twisting of the intestine causing obstruction <b>wale</b> -- One of the heavy planks or strakes extending along the sides of a wooden ship <b>weeper</b> -- A hole or pipe in a wall to allow water to run off <b>whelm</b> -- To cover with water; submerge <b>whin</b> -- Any spiny European evergreen shrub having rudimentary leaves and yellow flowers (also called <i>gorse</i> or <i>furze</i>) <b>whipping boy</b> -- Scapegoat; a boy formerly raised with a prince or other young nobleman and whipped for the latter's misdeeds <b>white goods</b> -- Large appliances, like refrigerators and washing machines; compare to <i>brown goods</i>, which are TVs, radios, etc. <b>widdershins</b> -- In a contrary or counterclockwise direction <b>windlestraw</b> -- A thin, dried stalk of grass. <b>withe</b> -- Also <i>withy</i>; a tough, supple twig, used to bind <b>woad</b> -- An annual Eurasian plant (Isatis tinctoria) in the mustard family, formerly cultivated for its leaves that yield a blue dye. <b>xenium</b> -- A gift given to a guest <b>yegg</b> -- A thief, especially a burglar or safecracker <b>yonic</b> -- Related the vagina, esp. religious rel. to Shakti <b>zazen</b> -- The primary form of meditation in Zen Buddhism, practiced while sitting cross-legged <b>zeugma</b> -- When a word applies to two others in jarringly different ways (e.g. <i>John and his license expired yesterday.</i>) <b>zoetrope</b> -- A mechanical device consisting of a rotating drum ringed with narrow apertures through which an animated image is viewed </ol> </div>