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Phrasing. BOOM.


Imagine my surprise when I opened the article <a href="" source="3QuarksDaily" author="Abbas Raza">Great Tits Sing with Syntax</a> and discovered it was about Japanese birds. <img src="{att_link}japanese_great_tits.png" href="{att_link}japanese_great_tits.png" align="none" scale="50%"> In case you're interested, the 3QuarksDailly post links through to the full article <a href="" source="Washington Post" author="Rachel Feltman">These birds use a linguistic rule thought to be unique to humans</a> <hr> <n>The title is a reference to a tag line from <i>Archer</i>, which the lead character utters at every possible opportunity, whenever someone says something that could be misconstrued as even vaguely sexual in nature. Archer's seventh season kicks off today!</n>