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Swiss Double-Gold!


<a href="{data}/news/old_attachments/images/lg_ammann_ap-01.jpg"><img class="frame" src="{data}/news/old_attachments/images/t1_ammann_ap-01.jpg" align="left"> <a href="">CNN/Sports Illustrated</a> has the latest on Simon Ammann in <a href="" title="Gold Again: Ammann wins gold in K120 ski jumping">Gold Again...</a>. Switzerland has changed gears in the winter Olympics from the ski hills to the ski-jumping hills. Simon Ammann comes out of nowhere to take both of the individual events in the ski-jump, the K90 and the k120. <span class="quote"><q>The 20-year-old Swiss, who looks as if he could pass for 14, joined Finland's Matti Nykanen as the only jumpers to win events on both hills in the same Winter Olympics. Nykanen did it in Calgary in 1988. ... just like he did on the small hill, sticking the final jump of competition to win, Ammann captured the large hill by leaping 436 feet (133 meters) to finish with 281.4 points. </q></span> Coverage on the k90 jump is at <a href="" title="Jump for Joy: Ammann wins K90 ski jumping gold">Jump for joy...</a>