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LOTR Secret Diaries


<img src="{data}/news/old_attachments/images/lotr_movie.jpg" alt="Flo" class="frame" style="float:left"><a href="">Cassandra Claire</a> has written the definitive, behind-the-scenes diaries kept by the stars of the the <a href="">Fellowship of the Ring</a> (Lord of the Rings). The diaries are scattered throughout her(?) online journal, but have been gathered together very nicely <a href="">here</a>* and, if that site's not working, <a href="">here</a>. As both pages mention, the diaries are the most fun when read in order. The diaries are rife with homoerotic humor, but it's mostly pretty funny. My favorites are <a href="">Ringwraith #5</a> and <a href="">Legolas</a> (still the prettiest). As as added bonus, the latest (and likely, last) diary, <a href="">Sauron's</a> is available. <span class="notes">If you really like these diaries, this site was offering t-shirts with 'still the pretties' and 'Aloof, unavailable elf princess' among others available.</span>