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Triumph Attacks the Clones


<a href="{data}/news/old_attachments/images/triumph_photo.jpg"><img class="frame" align="left" src="{data}/news/old_attachments/images/triumph_photo_tn.jpg"></a>If you've ever watched Conan O'Brien, then perhaps you've seen Triumph, a hand puppet of a cigar-smoking dog. He's often hilarious, but I've never seen him better than in <a href="">Triumph at Star Wars</a> (available from <a href="">ShizNitt</a>). It's a ten-minute WMV (Windows Media Player movie) file and shows him interviewing, insulting and sadly mocking the <iq>nerds and geeks</iq> that come out to stand in line for Star Wars movies. <span class="notes">If the link above doesn't work, then try to download from a local copy I made here [<a href="">Triumph Movie at</a>]</span>