
714 Articles


21 years Ago

Those who forget history…

Published by marco on

earthli will stay remarkably (and perhaps pleasantly) succinct today, letting I should not be allowed to say the following things about America on the Onion explain why. For a guide to proper response to the war, see Rumsfeld’s weekly press gaggle with FOX operatives on

For more context and a good bit of history (and to tie in the article title), I strongly recommend When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History, an article by Thom Hartmann, a historian and writer. The... [More]

The Daily Show

Published by marco on

As a recent ex-pat, I’ve recently been wishing I could catch the Daily Show every once in a while. Little did I realize what a truly excellent website they have, and what relatively unfettered creative license the folks at that show have. I just checked out a bunch of videos at Daily Show Headlines and other places. (You’ll need RealPlayer to watch the videos, but it’s well worth the free download.)

For great coverage on the recent bill given to the American people for the war and the recent... [More]

Preparing for media onslaught

Published by marco on

Did you catch any recent speeches by George Bush? He’s been giving quite a few lately, ramping up for his 2004 election campagin. First stop − Baghdad. President’s televised address granting Saddam Hussein 48 hours… on WhiteHouse.Org has a translated transcript of one of them, for those of you that have trouble understanding the US President.

“For more than a decade, the United States and other nations have successfully crushed Iraq into the ground with crippling economic sanctions and... [More]”

22 years Ago

Liberating Iraq

Published by marco on

How are you interpreting the latest news about Iraq? Is it coming across as intended that the US is attempting to liberate the people of Iraq from a terrible dictator in order to bless them with self-imposed government and democracy and must do so in the face of most of the rest of the nations of the world, who are only interested in their own interests and/or are too cowardly to fight? If this is your base opinion, then mission accomplished for the White House spin doctors. Let them know so... [More]

Missile Defense Redux2

Published by marco on

Death Star Doesn’t Work… on Plastic covers the recent announcement by the Bush administration that it is seeking USD$1.5 Billion to fund the Missile Defense Shield deployment. From the article, on the Washington Post (which now seems to have dissappeared — deliberate or ???):

“Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld described the initial plan as “better than nothing,” saying, “The reason I think it’s important to start is because you have to put something in place and get knowledge about it... [More]”

Imagine if kids could vote?

Published by marco on

…Bush would be a shoe-in for the next term. Between big federal deficits and cutting programs/funding, almost every state is facing serious budget shortfalls. Who does this affect the most? C’mon, you can guess…remember, he called himself the ‘Education President’ (probably because he still needs to learn how to read). It’s education that’s feeling the first wave of the budget crunches. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel writes in District’s shortened school year sparks interest elsewhere:

“In... [More]”

Duct Tape: Bomb Shelter of the 21st Century

Published by marco on

What are we in now? Terror-level fuchsia? I preferred the defcon levels myself.. like defcon 4, that sounds good and scary. These color charts are for little kids. Perhaps that should be an indication of what your government considers you capable of. Is there an equivalency chart for terror-alert colors to defcon levels? Let me know.

Remember bomb shelters? Popular Science showed you how to build them. The government told you you were going to die without one. It was all the Soviet Union’s... [More]

Rumsfeld’s list

Published by marco on

Rumsfeld has a list. It’s a list of things that could go wrong in Iraq. It doesn’t mention those things that you think, though. It doesn’t mention risks to troops, or a long, drawn-out war, or the possibility of retaliation here in the States. It does have these things, quoted from the New York Times in SwissInfo’s article, War planners considering risks.

There is “concern about Saddam Hussein using weapons of mass destruction against his own people and blaming it on us [the States]”. This is... [More]


Published by marco on

Bush Eases ‘Abortion’ Funding Ban: An Effective Compromise? on Plastic documents a recent announcement from the White House that:

“Any agency that provides treatment for AIDS will get the money, as long as none of the funds are used for family planning purposes or for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is in danger.”

This is a step back in policy for the Bush administration, which heretofore has only allowed money to be used to convince kids that sex... [More]

World’s Biggest Peace March

Published by marco on

Peace Rally − New YorkAs you’re no doubt aware, yesterday marked the largest number of people ever to march in one day, all over the world. They were marching to prevent war in Iraq. The Sunday Blick (a paper in Switzerland) trumpeted 10,000,000 total from the headlines (“Mehr als zehn Millionen gingen für den Frieden auf die Strasse” (More than ten million march for peace in the streets) from Alle gegen den Krieg in the Sonntags Blick. The New York Newsday only mentioned “millions”, with the NY estimate at “[t]ens of... [More]”

Things to think about instead of war

Published by marco on

As we have our focus pointed more and more towards the impending war that will be fought no matter what, we necessarily leave small issues like the economy’s shattered wasteland to disappear into our less-focussed peripheral vision. Paul Krugman, an economist of some repute with the NY Times snaps us back to attention in Is the Maestro a Hack?:

“…the fiscal deterioration has reached catastrophic proportions. [The] first budget … projected a 2004 surplus of $262 billion. [The] second budget... [More]”

Osama’s Latest Hit

Published by marco on

As you’ve probably already heard in alternately fevered and hushed tones from your local newscaster, Osama bin Laden has graced the world with a new diatribe. As with the other tapes and videos, there are significant doubts as to the veracity of this tape or its origins, of which you will hear next to nothing in the States. The Washington Post has the full transcript in Osama bin Laden Urges Attacks on the U.S.

Thanks For Listening In Again Folks!… on Plastic says the tape came from... [More]

Your Enemy Is Ruling Your Country

Published by marco on

Last night, the dictator of the “free world” gave a speech recorded here in Bush’s 2003 State of the Union Address at the Washington Post.


Pardon my cynical attitute, but my general rule of thumb with George Bush speeches is to assume he’s lying whenever his lips move. So, yeah, I exepcted to hear some innaccuracies. However, I didn’t expect the slew of fantastical imaginings this speech turned out to be. I didn’t see the speech (I read the transcript — I find it’s faster and less... [More]

Sanctity of Human Life

Published by marco on

CNN is reporting that Bush declares National Sanctity of Human Life Day. Hey, didn’t we just have one of those last summer? Or has it really been a year already? Or does Bush get to declare many different days “Sanctity of Human Life Day”? I don’t think there’s a gambler in the world who’d take odds that he gets the irony of talking about the sanctity of human life at the same time as mobilizing almost 100,000 troops (is it that many? The numbers are so confusing…) that are getting ready to... [More]

9-11 Film Recap

Published by marco on

Slashdot is reporting a film submitted to the Online Sundance Film Festival called S-11 Redux: (Channel) Surfing the Apocalypse. It’s about 11 minutes long, has a good beat and you can dance to it. Highlights? Juxtaposing Bush with the banjo player from Deliverance. Also, watching Gephardt saying “[w]e cannot let out our country be run by terrorists”, then cutting to a picture of Bush and son, winking, smiling and waving.

It’s done by Guerrilla News and can be downloaded from there (S-11 Redux).... [More]

Enjoy the ride

Published by marco on

For all those who respond to the comparisons to Japanese internment camps and the slaughter of American Indians as phases of American History out of the deep, dark past, never to be repeated, perhaps you should read Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif. on Yahoo News.

“Shocked and frustrated Islamic and immigrant groups estimate that more than 500 people have been arrested in Los Angeles, neighboring Orange County and San Diego in the past three days under a new nationwide... [More]”

Proud of your country?

Published by marco on

Can’t Afford AIDS Drugs? Then DIE on Plastic has a discussion about the latest global program that the US has stymied with its single, powerful vote. The article, US blocks cheap drugs agreement on BBC News provides details, mainly that the US voted against the proposal that would make it much easier for “ poor countries to buy cheap drugs” because “US negotiators say the deal would allow too many drugs patents to be ignored.”

Hmmm….save “30 million people … in Sub-Saharan Africa” or line the... [More]

Chavez, we hardly knew ye

Published by marco on

Bush Administration Pushes “Regime Change” in Venezuela on Counterpunch chronicles the continuing sage of US involvement in South America. Chavez is the legally elected president of Venezuela. He was elected with far more of a mandate than George Bush. Despite this, “A recent op-ed in the Washington Post referred to the Chavez government as a ‘dictatorship’” to let the American public know how they should feel about him.

There was already a coup attempt on April 11, and Bush and Co. “ at first... [More]”

Iraq evidence revealed. Not.

Published by marco on

I was on the Newsday today, in the World section. Six or seven articles down the page, I’m greeted by this headline, “Experts: Time to Put Cards on Table” which linked to this article, Experts: Time to Put Cards on Table. I was pretty sure I’d missed a big announcement from the UN. the blurb that followed the title was:

“Hoping to convince a skeptical world, the United States went before the United Nations and dramatically presented indisputable evidence that a rogue nation possessed weapons of... [More]”

Lust for War

Published by marco on

Read the New York Times these days about the new round of inspections in Iraq and you’ll likely see the U.S. government’s (not it’s people’s) stance toward war in Iraq. They desire it. They want it to happen. When asked what they would like to see happen, the answer is never that they would like to see Hussein disarmed peacefully, they respond that they want to go in and take him out. The war is no only inevitable, it’s not even seen as a last resort for these people.

In Iraq Tells the U.N.... [More]

Iraq’s Parliament

Published by marco on

Arab League Expects Iraq to Comply on the New York Newsday discusses Iraq’s response to the new “United Nations resolution that requires Baghdad to declare and destroy all its weapons of mass destruction.” In addition, neighboring countries in the “…Arab League yesterday urged Hussein to comply with the Security Council resolution”.

“Hussein yesterday ordered Iraq’s 250-member parliament to hold an emergency session today in Baghdad. The legislature is stacked with members of Hussein’s ruling... [More]”

Creating Terrorism

Published by marco on

The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks on Counterpunch talks about the latest plan for “rooting out evildoers”. The report, prepared for Rumsfeld by the Defense Science Board, plans to create a new organization, whose duty it will be, in the most Orwellian possible fashion, to find terrorists, even if they must be created first.

“new organization—the “Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)”—will carry out secret missions designed to “stimulate reactions” among terrorist... [More]”

Vote 2002 – Ho Hum

Published by marco on

As BBSpot points out in Americans Surprised to Learn of Upcoming Election, “74 percent of Americans were surprised that elections were being held this Tuesday”. This is actually surprising, since you would think that the administration would have their hands full with diverting attention from the economy; but it seems that the ever-compliant media has helped to downplay today’s elections as well.

Plastic explains why there may be so little emphasis on today’s elections in Election Day In The... [More]

Capitalist Feedback Loops

Published by marco on

The problem with capitalism today is that it works really well for some people. Then those people do everything they can to make it keep working for them. It only takes a relatively small group of people with this lack of morals to make it work. The plurality of people with flexible morals are the grease that moves the machine forward. A topmost layer must at least have some awareness of the lives they’re co-opting for their own gain, but those myriad layers in between, in which each simply... [More]

Griefsploitation I

Published by marco on

That’s a nice term I saw coined by Ted Rall in If You Have Dignity, the Terrorists Have Won on Yahoo News. It’s an opinion piece which covers the dread with which you should be approaching this day quite nicely.

“Are you the kind of person who believes that attaching a plastic American flag to your SUV makes a major patriotic statement? … Don’t get the rest of us wrong. We love America too. But we are understandably tense as we approach what is likely to be the greatest orgy of cheesy... [More]”

Bush, Cheney and Prince Bandar Bin Sultan

Published by marco on

TRANSCRIPT OF BUSH’S SUMMIT WITH PRINCE BANDAR BIN SULTAN is a pretty funny (fake) interview between these three fellows I found on the White’s press releases section.

He has the Prince ask for “The One”, who turns out to be Cheney and includes the line “Never let it be said that your Christian whore is not civil.”. Happily, while I find it pretty funny, I’m not so far gone yet that I’d publish this in the Humor & Fun section.

(There’s another recent article with a (fake) transcript... [More]

The More Things Change…

Published by marco on

Here’s a real quote, from none other than Jello Biafra, former lead singer of the Dead Kennedys, a notorious punk band of the late 80s/early 90s. He once stormed college campuses, opening concerts with the following:


News Roundup

Published by marco on

The New York Newsday published several news items today (and some from other days this week are pulled in), which together paint an altogether different picture of the U.S. than it would like. These are normal articles in a normal newspaper; information there for anyone with open eyes and an open mind to see.

The first, Caution Over NY Airspace mentions that the “federal government is expected to prevent foreign airlines from taking off or landing at metropolitan New York airports during... [More]”

Kill It Quick (and Make a Buck) Before it Dies

Published by marco on

We Must Cut Down the Forest to Save It on Plastic talks about Bush’s recent burst of environmentalism. You can check the NY Times article, Bush, Citing Fire Hazards, Wants Logging Rules Eased or the Forest thinning has Bush support article at the Washington Times (whose article title should have elicited a deafening “duh!” from its readers).

Bush must have been dancing once he saw this wonderfully facile reason for opening up national forests to his buddies in logging. Because that’s really... [More]

FISA − the Secret U.S. Court

Published by marco on

Ashcroft Seeks to Abuse Use of ‘Secret Court’ in the New York Newsday talks about a court in the U.S. that is responsible for granting requests for “searches of its own citizens for foreign intelligence gathering”. This court is called the FISA court (which stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act…and don’t you sleep better knowing that’s around). It’s necessary because the constitution often gets in the way of surveillance of individuals that the government already knows are guilty, so... [More]