
354 Articles


18 years Ago

Essence of Programming

Published by marco on

“Almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching.”
Terje Mathisen

Array Indices

Published by marco on

“Should array indices start at 0 or 1? My compromise of 0.5 was rejected without, I thought, proper consideration.”

Software Quality

Published by marco on

“You can either have software quality or you can have pointer arithmetic, but you cannot have both at the same time. (Bertrand Meyer)”
- Bertrand Meyer

Death and Taxes Redux

Published by marco on

“The only two things you can truly depend upon are gravity and greed.”
Jack Palance (1919-2006)

Dumbing it Down

Published by marco on

“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.”
- H.L. Mencken


Published by marco on

“Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.”
- Anonymous

Malice and Intent

Published by marco on

“Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.”
- Anonymous[1]

[1] Adapted from the Arthur C. Clarke quote: “Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”


Published by marco on

“Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”
- Pablo Picasso

Programming is Writing

Published by marco on

“Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs. Instead of imagining that our main task is to instruct a computer what to to, let us concentrate rather on explaining to human beings what we want a computer to do.”
- Donald Knuth

Rules of the Dance

Published by marco on

“You dance with the ones that brung ya, I guess.”

[1] In response the White House’s clear and official support for the Israeli response to the Hezbollah attacks—no matter how severe.

Fussball Gesetz

Published by marco on

“Zuerst hatten wir kein Glück, und dann kam auch noch Pech dazu.”

A Good Rule of Thumb

Published by marco on

“When in doubt, assume my tongue is in my cheek.”
Signature for Kesch on Slashdot

Mongol Philosophy

Published by marco on

“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
Conan the Barbarian (when asked “what is best in life?”


Published by marco on

“When a coward sees a man he can beat, he becomes hungry for a fight.”
Frank McCourt (‘Tis, pg. 156)

Fascism, American-Style!

Published by marco on

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”
Sinclair Lewis

19 years Ago


Published by marco on

“I’ll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. ‘I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs.’ ‘I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking.’ ‘Hey, wait a minute, there’s one guy holding both puppets!’ ‘Shut up! Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control. Here’s Love Connection. Watch this and get fat and stupid. By the way, keep drinking beer, you fucking morons.‘”
Bill Hicks

Government Work is Wet Work

Published by marco on

“Why shouldn’t I work for the N.S.A.? That’s a tough one, but I’ll give it a shot. Say I’m working at N.S.A. Somebody puts a code on my desk, something nobody else can break. So I take a shot at it and maybe I break it. And I’m real happy with myself, ‘cause I did my job well. But maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East. Once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels were hiding and fifteen hundred people I never had a problem... [More]”

Ignorance Abides

Published by marco on

“I have never won a debate with an ignorant person.”
Ali ibn Abi Talib

Modern Communication

Published by marco on

“Never write when you can talk. Never talk when you can nod. And never put anything in an email.”
(New York Attorney General) Eliot Spitzer

Going Along to Get Along

Published by marco on

“What [people] are mostly interested in, lad[ies] and gentlemen, is going along to get along. Which only shows up for what it is—monstrous—if you pull back and take the long view.”
Stephen King (Dark Tower, pg. 289)


Published by marco on

“Terrorists can attack our freedom, but only Congress can destroy it.”


Published by marco on

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”


Published by marco on

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”
Martin Luther King

Absolute Truth

Published by marco on

“It is the purest arrogance to suppose that an instrument so fallible as the human mind can even conceive absolute truth, much less comprehend it.”
Response to an overzealous (aren’t they all?) Jehovah’s Witness


Published by marco on

“It is the mark of an educated mind to rest satisfied with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject admits and not to seek exactness where only an approximation is possible.”


Published by marco on

“You can kill a flock of sheep with witchcraft, provided you also feed them arsenic.”

Elite Intellectuals

Published by marco on

“[The attitude towards Haiti] is a depressing illustration of how a highly disciplined intellectual class can reframe even the most depraved actions as yet another opportunity for self-adulation.”
Noam Chomsky


Published by marco on

“The Falklands thing was a fight between two bald men over a comb.”
Jorge Luis Borges


Published by marco on

“A comedian has to be one of the most serious of people, for he must be able to understand implicitly and to mimic his fellow man, and still be able not to hate him.”
Red Skelton


Published by marco on

“As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities.”