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The Daily Show

Published by marco on

As a recent ex-pat, I’ve recently been wishing I could catch the Daily Show every once in a while. Little did I realize what a truly excellent website they have, and what relatively unfettered creative license the folks at that show have. I just checked out a bunch of videos at Daily Show Headlines and other places. (You’ll need RealPlayer to watch the videos, but it’s well worth the free download.)

For great coverage on the recent bill given to the American people for the war and the recent contracts awarded to certain US companies, check out the Bill of Might segment on the page above. Embed Helms is also really good, with Stewart’s description of FOX News as “…fair, balanced…AWESOME!” Don’t miss Iraq up the Dollars either.

Is it because it works under the guise of comedy that it can get away with this kind of coverage of the Bush administration? Comedy Central is owned by Time Warner, but doesn’t kowtow to the same line that much of the rest of the print and broadcast media does.

It’s an anomoly as far as I’m concerned, but I’m just delighted that it exists. Keep up the good work.