
anon@cat8.logicat.com (updated by marco)

Beyond the issue of intellectual property rights, GM foods given out as aid are insidious because they may not be safe to eat. The motive is to get a readymade test bed for food which may not be FDA approved or may even be banned in the US. There is precedent for this (foodfirst.org):

“At the same time, the U.S. is already sending genetically modified food to Third World nations without the consent of people there. In late 1999 and early 2000, when the Indian state of Orissa was hit by floods, the U.S. sent food aid containing gmos. The Indian government was not told that the food had been modified. Mozambique, the Philippines, Bolivia, and many other nations have received similarly tainted shipments of food aid. More recently, when Sri Lanka adopted progressive legislation banning imports of genetically modified foods, it was threatened by the U.S., and pressure has since been put on the government to remove the restrictions”