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Odd British Names


The Daily Show did an extremely silly tribute to fallen British soldiers recently, with Jon Oliver reading a list of heroes and Jon Stewart caught completely unawares<fn>: <media src="" args="videoId=165516" caption="Britain's Fallen Soldiers" href="" author="John Oliver & John Stewart" source="Daily Show" align="center" class="frame" height="316px" width="332px"> The list of names is extremely silly and transcribed below<fn>: <ul> Algernon Bottomside Percival P. Pocketnubbin Wing Commander Battle Morningwood Remington Snatch Cecil Hardboner Lt. Cl. Buntington Cornhole Jeffrey Incestershire Cpt. Oroffis Schwartz Lead Seaman Huffington Knobgobbler Alastair Vaginafoot (Allie to his many friends) Lord Byron Farthammer (named for the poet) Penistiffer Whimplecrack PFC Grundle McBallsonface </ul> YMMV. <hr> <ft>He advised at the end, <iq>don't ever let your staff change the list of names on you without your knowledge</iq>.</ft> <ft>To the best of our abilities.</ft>