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(4) How to Add a Book


<n>This article is part (4) of a multi-part <a href="{app}view_article.php?id=1911">Book Library tutorial</a>.</n> <hr> When you start the <i>Book Library</i>, you're taken to the main menu, as shown below: <img src="{att_link}main_menu.jpg" href="{att_link}main_menu.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Choose Add from the Main Menu (click to enlarge)" scale="75%"> From here, choose "Add books" to show the window below: <img src="{att_link}add_book.jpg" href="{att_link}add_book.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Adding a Book (click to enlarge)" scale="75%"> This window is opened to a new book where you can start filling in the information for it (1). Fields in pink are required; those in grey are optional. <img src="{att_link}add_book_author.jpg" href="{att_link}add_book_author.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Setting the Author (click to enlarge)" scale="75%"> Once you've filled in the title, it's copied to the list on the left side (1). Fill in the name of the author (2) and press <kbd>tab</kbd> or <kbd>enter</kbd> to continue. Since the author we chose in this example isn't in the database, the <i>Book Library</i> offers to create a new one with the window below: <img src="{att_link}create_author.jpg" href="{att_link}create_author.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Creating a new Author (click to enlarge)" scale="75%"> Since we typed the author as "Last name, first name", the <i>Book Library</i> automatically extracted the first name (1) and last name (2) to suggest the author name to create. You can, of course, change it; when you're finished, press "OK" (3) to continue. You'll be returned to the book window, as shown below: <img src="{att_link}add_book_publisher.jpg" href="{att_link}add_book_publisher.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Choosing a Publisher (click to enlarge)" scale="75%"> Since the title and author are now filled in, they are colored grey; above, we have typed "Pre" for the publisher and the <i>Book Library</i> has found "Prentice Hall" (1) as the best match for it. For more information about making similar changes, see <a href="{app}view_article.php?id=1914">How to Edit a Book</a>. After you've filled in all the information for your book and saved it (using the "Save" button in the toolbar or by typing <kbd>Ctrl+S</kbd>), it should look like the window below: <img src="{att_link}add_book_completed.jpg" href="{att_link}add_book_completed.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="The Final Book, Saved (click to enlarge)" scale="75%"> After you've added a few books, you might notice that you always fill out certain fields with the same information. You can tell the <i>Book Library</i> to pre-fill this information by <a href="{app}view_article.php?id=1909">(5) adding a Default Template</a>. <hr> <n>Continue on to <a href="{app}view_article.php?id=1909">(5) How to Add a Default Template</a>.</n>