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Paying taxes is for chumps

Published by marco on

Bush often derides Kerry’s plan for taxing the rich; claims it’s not possible to do so. Why? Well, according to him, the rich won’t pay them, so why bother? Might as well tax chumps that actually pay taxes, otherwise the government ends up with no cash with which to run important programs, like the military. Here’s how Bush sees it:

“[Kerry] says he’s going to tax the rich. The rich hire lawyers and accountants for a reason − to stick you with the bill.”

Fascinating logic. So, since the rich are massively effective tax cheats, the government should logically go after slower, weaker game. It almost goes without saying that this was seen as a joke by the zombified masses that are allowed to attend Bush’s campaign speeches.

Last Political Comic Standing by SeanBaby discusses the “jokiness” of it while rating the sense of humor of both Bush and Kerry.

“It’s a very specific type of crowd that will get a laugh out of the fact that the United States government has given up on trying to outsmart the rich. If Bush tried that joke at an event where a plate cost less than $1,000 and a human baby dipped in gold, it might not do as well. It’d take one hell of a comedic prop to rescue a joke based on the president teasing me about how I have to pay taxes and his rich friends don’t. (emphasis added)”

And yet, there are still millions who are willing to vote for this “man of the people”.