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Theresa Heinz Kerry

Published by marco on

In Praise of Unruly Women by Arianna Huffington (AlterNet) talks about Theresa Heinz Kerry, who sounds far more interesting than her husband. In it, she hammers the patriarchal attitude of American media, most starkly pointed up in Newsweek’s cover: “Is John Kerry’s Heiress Wife a Loose Cannon or Crazy Like a Fox?”

The pre-approved talking points about her are either about her hair or about how she pretty much forgets a woman’s place.

Right now you’re probably relatively familiary with her response to a journalist of “Shove it!”. Right up there with Cheney’s “go fuck yourself!”. Whereas Cheney has had the last 3.5 years to show us that you pretty much can sum him up with that one phrase, Heinz Kerry, who “a philanthropist who oversees a foundation that gives tens of millions to causes like the environment, healthcare and early education … grew up in Mozambique, [and] is fluent in five languages”, gives every indication of being more interesting and intelligent than the wet mop we’ve got for a FLOTUS* now. As Laura Bush herself put it:

“I’m not privy to the policy disputes. I’m not over there at the table where everyone is actually formulating specific policy.”

Wow. Puts her even lower than her husband, who actually is at the table, though he still has nothing to do with formulating policy. I can’t even imagine what kind of conversation these two intellectual titans sustain in the privacy of their home.

Probably just a lot of stuttering and awkward silences.

*First Lady Of The United States