
Name Marco von Ballmoos
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3227 Articles

17 years Ago

An Understandable Mistake

Published on in Public Policy & Politics

The Congress spent the weekend proving, once again, that they have no idea what the safe word is in the sub/dom game they’ve been playing with the executive branch since early 2001. And, despite the title of this article, Hillary Clinton Votes for War — Again by David Bromwich (Common Dreams), it’s not just Hillary grinning madly around the ball gag, either: she’s joined by 75 close friends in the Senate who also saw fit to approve the following language[1]:

“…that it should be the policy of the United States to stop inside... [More]”


Published on in Quotes

“Despite the best that has been done by everyone, the war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage.”

Often quoted by the now-silent Billmon in response to stunningly undetstatements offered by politicians at large. The most recent spate come from the king of rhetoric, George Bush II, S = r * t (My Alter Ego Speaks) cites him: “I do know that we have not succeeded as fast as we wanted to succeed”, with other variations being “I thought we would succeed quicker than we did” and “I am disappointed by... [More]”


Published on in Fun

Statetris is Tetris, but with countries or states/counties. You can choose from the following difficulty levels:

  • Easy – States/countries are labeled and already rotated to the correct position.
  • Medium – States/countries are labeled and are rotated to a random position.
  • Hard – States/countries are not labeled and are rotated to a random position.

Some of the countries are really small and must simply be placed into one of the magnifying glasses. It’s a pity that they don’t leave the... [More]


Published on in Quotes

“I confess that there are several parts of this constitution[1] which I do not at present approve, but I am not sure I shall never approve them: For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged by better information, or fuller consideration, to change opinions even on important subjects, which I once thought right, but found to be otherwise. It is therefore that the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment, and to pay more respect to the judgment of others.... [More]”


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“I have great insight. I’d use it on myself only I don’t have any problems.”
Music and Lyrics by Alex Fletcher*

Played by Hugh Grant; the quote is twice as good when you hear him deliver it.


Published on in Quotes

“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”
Samuel Johnson
“In Dr. Johnson’s famous dictionary, patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer, I beg to submit that it is the first.”
Ambrose Bierce

Almost Six Years and Counting

Published on in Public Policy & Politics

On the subject of the suspiciously quiet home front in the war on terror, there’s Things I Used to Know by Scott Adams (Dilbert Blog):

“We Americans know that Al Qaeda has cells in America planning to attack. And we know that there are more terrorists than ever, thanks to the Iraq war. It’s easy to get people and explosives into the country on private boats or across our porous borders. The woods must be full of terrorists by now. Apparently all the slow ones came to America. I mean, Iraq has almost as many car bombs as... [More]”

Art on Slashdot

Published on in Fun

Every once in a while, there’s something on Slashdot worth reading. More often than not, it’s in a comment rather than one of their “articles” (quotes intended to convey ample contempt for the editing process there). There’s a discussion there, High Court Trims Whistleblower Rights (Slashdot), in which one participant got pretty shrill in responding to a troll[1], trotting out all of the arguments that trolls dearly love to feed on (as well as those ever-delectable tears of frustration and rage).

Some... [More]

Poor Man’s Backup with tar

Published on in Tips & Tricks

The application tar is ubiquitous in the Unix/Linux world. It rolls multiple files and directories into a single “tarball”, which can be transferred more easily and expanded at its destination. A single option, -z applies a compression to the resulting tarball, giving the file the by now well-known extension .tar.gz (for tar-balled and g-zipped). Extracting this file involves two operations, in which first the compression is removed and then the tarball unrolled.

The easiest way to back up a... [More]

OOP and Generics

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“OOP without generics is like a car that only turns left – sure you can go right, just take three lefts.”


Published on in Fun

Googlewhacking—finding a search combination that returned exactly one hit—used to be all the rage, with some people devoting astonishing amounts of time to it, only to report it on a blog, have Google index it, immediately invalidating it (because now there are two results). Below is one that I stumbled on recently:

 Googlewhack May

At the time (May 12th, 2007), it returned exactly one result and, amazingly, has stood the test of time, returning only one relevant result today (as shown below):

 Googlewhack July
... [More]

Secret of Success

Published on in Quotes

“To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered.”

Trillian vs. Pidgin

Published on in Technology

This article was originally published on the Encodo Blogs. Browse on over to see more!

Trillian is a multi-protocol chat client that’s been around for a quite a while, with both a free version and a professional version, which includes extra features and support. Their version has stagnated quite significantly, offering a grand total of one update over the last three years or so. The feature set is robust and it does pretty much everything you need from a chat client, but its look and feel... [More]

Every Terrorist is a Genius?

Published on in Public Policy & Politics

What is a terrorist? A terrorist, according to the dictionary, is someone who kills or destroys in an attempt to exert political influence. According to the media and almost all of America’s politicians and police forces, it’s pretty much anyone who’s ever had a seditious thought. Ever. And why is every one of these potential terrorists treated like the most capable evil mastermind to ever walk the earth? A thirty second sound byte is usually more than enough to show that the person (or people)... [More]

OS X Quartz vs. Windows ClearType

Published on in Technology

The release of Safari for Windows seems to be the only issue worth discussing for most of the technology world. Whether it’s the horrific zero-day exploits (already patched, but still a rocky start), the crashing bookmarks for non-US English-speaking users or the ridiculous amount of effort put into making Safari exactly the same on Windows as it is on OS X—including all controls (scrollbars, buttons, etc.), behavior (can only resize from the bottom-left) and, last but not least, the... [More]

US Air Traffic

Published on in Miscellaneous

The following 3-minute video shows US traffic patterns as they ebb and flow throughout the day. The data is from March of this year and is real, spiking from a low of about 4000 flights to over 16,000 flights in the air at peak travel periods. There are so many that the flight paths actually acurately delineate the shape of the continental United States.

Found on US Air Traffic by Brad DeLong (Grasping Reality with Both Hands).

Il Duce Giuliani

Published on in Public Policy & Politics

Or “Benito Giuliani”, if you prefer. That’s how he was known to the denizens of the fair city over which he ruled with an iron fist, using and abusing his beloved black-booted police squads to do so. It’s this same Rudy Giuliani—former mayor of New York City and proud owner of an elaborate back tattoo depicting himself holding a bullhorn, an American flag and a New York hot dog while simultaneously digging a fireman out of the rubble of the World Trade Center on which he stands, illuminated... [More]

Exceptions to the Rule

Published on in Fun

Keeping it short and sweet, Discrimination by Scott Adams throws out a few observations on paradoxes in our society’s of valid and invalid prejudice. For example, though most prejudices aganst traits people can’t control are regulated, “it’s totally legal for an employer to reject a stupid person” who applies for a job. To the hypothetical argument that this is a worthwhile exception, he retorts:

“You might argue that it is in society’s overwhelming best interest to discriminate against stupid people because... [More]”

Ocean’s 13 Interview

Published on in Fun

Lucky Stars (Time) is an interview with George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Ellen Barkin and Matt Damon. The interviewees literally have no interest in promoting the movie, unless you count them parading their hilarious camaraderie that undoubtedly features heavily in the film as promotion. At any rate, it seemed incidental to just having a whale of a time.

The first question asked them how they kept their cool and turned out a quailty product—according to general opinion, the best of the series— instead... [More]

Choosing Wisely

Published on in Quotes

“I have discovered from your comments that the best thing I have done was to choose my predecessor.”
Zalmay Khalilzad on June 6, 2007 (NY Times)

Khalilzad replaced John Bolton as the American ambassador to the United Nations.

Exoneration Compensation

Published on in Miscellaneous

 The article, What Do States Owe The Exonerated? (Plastic), poses an interesting question. Almost everyone will have a knee-jerk reaction to it—evincing either a gut feeling that an exonerated prisoner is an innocent man and therefore has been treated unfairly by society or a kneejerk reaction that anyone who the courts saw fit to send to jail must be guilty in one way or another. There are those who view every exoneration as the result of a sly criminal’s—and a liberal lawyer’s—machinations of our... [More]


Published on in Quotes

“Tell people something they know already and they will thank you for it. Tell them something new and they will hate you for it.”

Hidden Comedy Online

Published on in Fun

There are all sorts of sites that produce content meant to be funny, like The Onion, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Something Awful or a Pointless Waste of Time. Whether or not you think the invidual attempts at humor are successful or not, that is their purpose to at least some people. The Internet offers humor in unlooked-for places as well, like this collection of Cool Cybersex Logs, in which one or more users troll chat rooms to prank unsuspecting partners with frustrating experiences. For... [More]

CableCom Now Requires Authentication for SMTP Relay

Published on in Technology

This article addresses a very specific problem involving people matching the following criteria:

  1. You live in Switzerland.
  2. You are a Cablecom customer.
  3. You send mail using their SMTP relay.

If any of the conditions above fails to apply to you, there is really very little need for you to read further, unless you wish to be bedazzled by scintillating prose unlike any you have likely ever seen. If so, by all means, read on.


If you do match all of the conditions above, you have... [More]

Approaching Crysis

Published on in Video Games

Another game that’s been in development for a long time is Crysis. Earlier this year there was a pretty good review of it, Crytek’s Jack Mamais on Crysis by Chris Remo (Shack News), where the reviewer noted that “running on a beefy DirectX 10-capable NVIDIA 8800, the game was never short of gorgeous.” Granted, an NVidia 8800 is no shrinking violet of a graphics card—with the top-of-the-line version weighing in at $600+ and 177 Watts—but still, it was running the game “at a fluctuating framerate in the 20-30fps range” at... [More]

Malice and Magic

Published on in Quotes

“Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Arthur C. Clarke
“Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.”
Vernon Schryver




Published on in Quotes

“It’s better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don’t want and get it.”
Eugene Debs


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“I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it’s been.”
Wayne Gretzky


Published on in Quotes

“We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That’s cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it’s not cowardly. Stupid maybe, but not cowardly.”
Bill Maher

Words Not Said

Published on in Public Policy & Politics

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is often credited with the blustery threat to “wipe Israel off the map”. Though the mainstream press is pleased as punch to press this citation into service again and again, in myriad forms, it was noted in more responsible circles quite some time ago that the president of Iran had said no such thing. As meticulously documented in ’Wiped off the Map’ – The Rumor of the Century by Arash Norouzi (AntiWar.com), the statement he made, translated directly and faithfully from the Farsi, was:

“The Imam said... [More]”